Ur Hilgarria (Err-Hil-gar-ee-ah)

Deadly Waters

  Filled with mystery, the Ur Hilgarria, separates the continent of Arrhynsia from the other continents of the world. Little is known of these except that they must exist, for in spite of rumors to the contrary that circulate amongst the more primitive and illiterate peoples of Arrhynsia, humans did not spring forth whole from the depths of the sea.   What is known is that the First Wave of humans arrived in Portsend in two ships built of the most modern scientific and magical technologies available at the time, and for over ten thousand years, that feat has not been replicated, and not for lack of trying. Many ships have set sail from the most northwest ports of Arrhynsia, and even some attempts have been made to fly in order to avoid the savage waters of Ur Hilgarria to arrive at the continent of Eryia  If any of these attempts have been successful, there is no evidence of this, as none have ever been heard from again.   To the contrary, even the relatively short distances of the Ur Hilgarria between Arrhynsia and the @Nort, or the waters that surround the Shattered Isles and reside between the Chromatic Continent and the mainland are deadly. Known for fierce storms that batter and sink ships, and as the home of fearsome monsters which consume entire ships whole the Ur Hilgarria is an ocean that inspires terror in even the most hardy sailors.  

Wild Magic Unloosed

  The waters of the Ur Hilgarria are known to churn with wild magic which multiplies it's deadly nature. Ships that sail beyond the sight of the coastline of Arhynssia are often outfitted with great magical plates on their hulls to protect from magic which runs wild in the currents of the Ur Hilgarria. These wild magic currents can actually be observed as glowing gold lines within the waters when observed from high above the ocean's surface. Attempts have been made to map these wild magic currents, but once beyond the relatively close emergence of the Arrhynsia land masses from the ocean's bottom, the currents appear to be in a constant state of rapid change such that these maps are unreliable. Wizards speculate that it is the presence of the wild magic itself which causes these fluctuations rather than physical laws, but regardless of their source, the net result is the same. The Ur Hilgarria is a barrier to the passage of mortals across it's deadly breadth.

Bird's eye view of the wild magic currents hidden beneath the surface of the Ur Hilgarria
Bird's eye view of the Ur Higaria 768992656 by Munimara

Cover image: by Terry Cassis


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