The Last Fortune Vehicle in Arrasgoth | World Anvil
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The Last Fortune

“I may be out of my depth, but you can’t be a pirate captain if you always stay in the shallows! Now, how do I steer this thing?”
Damien Reeve
  The Last Fortune is a small, commissioned pirate ship under the leadership of Damien Reeve, self-appointed captain. His crew have no official name yet as they have only just started their adventuring and pirating together. The ship is officially part of Captain Gawain's fleet of ships, alongside Dead on the Water who they signed up with. The crew is made up of a group that just about understand how to be pirates and are not the most fearsome of them.   The Last Fortune is normally found at Prosperity Bay or Peregrine Bay, attempting to figure out what their next mission might be. The ship is relatively new but not very pirate-like in make as it was stolen from a sinking city. The ship is built for transporting cargo more than anything.   The crew were somewhat adopted by Dead on the Water as they felt they needed some mentorship. They are still learning to be true pirates of Arrasgoth.

Power Generation

The Last Fortune has no specific power generator, just like the rest of the fleet it is a part of. It uses the wind and the waves to guide it to where it needs to go. They currently don't have the money to upgrade the ship in any way, especially magically and to help with power generation.


The Last Fortune is propelled by sails that are attached to the masts of which the ship only has one. The sails are on a pulley system like the other boats in the fleet and need a crew to ten to them. There needs to be someone working on them at all times of day when sailing on open water. Most of the crew have a vague understanding of how this all works.

Weapons & Armament

The Last Fortune currently has no weapons on board as it was previously used as a transport ship. However, it does have the space for cannons that could be added if money allowed. The armament also has had no upgrade or work done on it.
Creation Date
11th of Prinodeb 5 BTU
Owning Organization
Current location

Relevant Articles:

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Jan 9, 2022 10:45 by Luca Poddighe

How cute! Alas for them, they don't seem to have the stuff to become true seawolves! But sometimes perseverance brings fruits, we will see...

Jan 9, 2022 10:49 by Nicole

They have yet to experience the full taste of a sea battle and to test their metal! Maybe one day, they shall earn their Pirate flag!

Jan 9, 2022 10:56 by Luca Poddighe

If they get through their baptism of fire they will be already through a good deal... They may get on the other end "tempered"!