Aarakocra Species in Aros | World Anvil
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The Aarakocra reside in one tribe under the nest of Aakia, where their eggs lies, tended to by the Egg-Bearers, and the Nest Mother. These bird-like humanoids perceive themselves as one family, regardless of biological ties. Fathers are not a concept familiar to Aarakocra, and all Aarakocra share one mother, the Nest Mother. Their home of Aakia is densely populated, as it is the only home they know. Being that Aakia, otherwise known as The World Tree, is so grand in size, there is plenty of space for the Aarakocra to live, Aarakocra are extremely claustrophobic and will not willingly enter a cave, building, or other enclosed area. Generally, Aarakocra 'homes' are limited to humble little tear drop shaped huts which hang from the gargantuan branches of Aakia.   Aarakocra have little to do with other races, and leave their home territory only in extreme circumstances. They rarely encounter humans except for an occasional naval ship which sails to close to Aakia; this is not an intentionally malicious act, as Aarakocra are extremely protective of their fragile eggs. A human venturing into Aarakocra territory away from Aakia may be able to convince one to serve as a guide or a scout in exchange for a shiny jewel or coin, but generally these 'trespassers' are watched closely with suspicion and mistrust. Aarakocra scout the Keys for threats to their home, and they perceive colonies on Keys as such a threat. Attempts at building an outpost from the Corsairs of Damaran have been met with airborne raiders, assaulting them and causing them to flee away from the Isles.

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