Session 6: A Drop of Blood, 7th Day of Dusk, 255 TTE Report in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil

Session 6: A Drop of Blood, 7th Day of Dusk, 255 TTE

General Summary

Kalas informs the party that Doran has not been seen within a day or two. Knowing about some of Doran's past dealings, Kalas is concerned and asks that the party search for him in the city.   The Consort has now consolidated their presence to the base of the Floatdocks elevators, which has lead to an increase in criminal activity throughout the Floatdocks. Before being allowed to ride the elevators up to the city, everyone must first be checked for ranged weapons as they are now restricted within Amyhra. Once in the city, the party discovers that the Consort's presence is also limited to the top of the elevators. Throughout the city, it seems that the Eternal Library's guard have moved beyond the Amyhran Industrial District and now patrol the entire city with advanced armor and technological weapons. The tension in the palpable in the air.   After searching for Doran at the Ale & Hammer, the Tossed Coin, and the Dripping Leaf, the party learns that Doran has been seen sporadically throughout the area and is being sought out by a group of individuals in crimson cloaks.    Eventually, they spot Doran ducking into an alley. Following him, they find him cornered in a dead-end by four individuals in crimson cloaks. Trying to play off their run-in as a chance encounter, the party gets the jump on their opponents, starting a tense fight with blood being drawn by both sides. The enemy leader uses magic to attack the party, eventually knocking Doran unconscious. The fighting intensifies until it catches the attention of passing guards, at which point the enemy creates a dust cloud and flees. They attempt to take Doran with them but are stopped by the party.   With the guards focused on the fleeing enemy, the party attends to Doran wounds. After the dust settles, a door in the alley opens up and a Ratkin shopkeeping becomes the party inside. In the backroom of a shop, she uses a healing kit and discreet bit of magic to attend to Doran wounds, charging them for the service as well as selling some additional gear. Business has been slow since the Coalition began to depart, so she's happy to take advantage of her new pending allies.   When Doran awakes, he informs the partry that they will need to flee the city as his attackers will remember all their faces and be on the lookout for them. Purchasing some cloaks from the Ratkin, they make their way back to the ship, but not without being followed. Taking advantage of the crowds and maze-like nature of the Floatdocks, they are able to lose their pursuers. After explaining the situation to Kalas, he sends out runners to gather the rest of the crew and then sets sail away from the Floatdocks, saying that it is their best chance of avoiding another encounter with the Crimson Cult before they can prepare.   Once underway, the party goes to speak with Doran, who explains that he was born into the Crimson Cult, serving as an informant and scout. Eventually, he learned about the organization hunted and kidnapped magically-inclined individuals, using their blood to try and awake an ancient metal beast found in a cave northwest of Amyhra. Shortly afterwards, he left the Cult and spent as much time as he could outside of Amyhra, learning to survive in the wilderness by accompanying various adventuring guilds. It seems that his past has caught up with him. Though this encounter may have only been the result of the Cult's new boldness from the Consort's loss of control, Doran believes that the Cult is close to achieving their goals and believe will not need to fear the authorities much longer.
Report Date
10 Feb 2023
Primary Location


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