Elements of Names Language in The Chronicles of Arn | World Anvil

Elements of Names

Many names are formed from roots that we see over and over. Here are some of the roots and what they mean. Some of the roots listed here are also full words.  

A note about pronunciation.

Aivaerin and Thrilgaerin (Elven) words with only two syllables are normally stressed on the first syllable, unless denoted otherwise by an accent mark, or acute symbol (´).

Elven words with three or more syllables are normally stressed on the second syllable, unless denoted otherwise by an accent mark. Some exceptions include words with syllables created by consonants without vowels, such as the name, Asmgoth (AZ-im-gawth).

A diaeresis (¨) is used to identify when two vowels written in succession are pronounced as individual syllables, instead of as a diphthong or digraph. An accent mark may be used instead if the stress falls on one of the vowels. Accent marks are generally used when the stress differs from the norm, but not always. In each case, the vowels are pronounced individually.

Languages closely related to Aivaerin and Thrilgaerin, such as ancient Aqaan, follow similar patterns. The rule is also true for some modern words in the Common Tongue that derive from Aqaan roots.



31 Words.


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