Moika Character in Arithmus | World Anvil
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Queen of Kuja (a.k.a. The Game Master)

  • Moika was born and raised on Kuja, originally coming from a middle class family where she was able to get an education from tutors.
  • In Kuja, much of the culture is about promoting a mix of leadership skills, intelligence, skill, and power, and because of this mentality, games started to become a huge part of the island.
  • Eventually it got to the point where rules in games started to become enforced by law, and bets that were made in certain parameters. But beyond that, if you agree to a game in Kuja, everyone takes it seriously and nobody ever jokes.
  • Anything can be a game as long as all parties involved agree to the terms. Half the fun for people is figuring out what the best way to cheat is and how not to get caught, but if you're caught and the other person exposes you, it's considered a loss and dishonorable. This can lead to nobody agreeing to play you in anything, screwing you out of opportunities.
  • As a child Moika was obsessed with games, loving the challenge and the sport of it all. As the years went on, she became one of the most prolific gamblers in the history of the island.
  • She was said to have the luck of Kotoria herself, and that she could win any game.
  • In reality, Moika was able to use illusion Magic and possible other forms to cheat. This is something people try and create rules around, but Moika's good enough to cheat in any game.
  • Just because she can cheat doesn't mean she always does though, and she genuinely loves a good bet where she has a real chance at loosing.
  • Moika was an amazing gambler with a knack for reading people and figuring out what they'll do next, figuring out the best ways to win in every game, like Sora in No Game No Life.
  • She took her families money and gambled it into a fortune, buying up ports, ships, land, and influence all over Kuja.
  • Eventually Moika made her move and either usurped whoever the pervious ruler was, the people offered her the position, or she conquered the island peacefully.
  • At one point, she meets Yuna Sidar, the future leader of Otenia Island, and the two of them played a game with high stakes. Yuna looses, and ends up holding a huge grudge against Moika.
  • Moika leads fairly, but has a reputation for taking challenges from almost anyone, sometimes losing assets. But mostly people like her, except for her gambling addiction.
  • When the war with Midnus got bad, Moika offered financial support while also guarding the blowhole, fitting it with defenses from the monsters in the mist and possible invaders.
  • While Kuja did suffer casualties, they were nothing compared to Nekiho.
  • Moika was not present at the Burning Beach, and is unaware of Yuna losing the ability to use White Fire.
  • Moika also never met Melody because Yuna forbade Melody from seeking her out, and Melody never wanted to.
  • But Melody is known by the guards of the Blowhole, because she couldn't resist going there to try and reach the top, which she was eventually able to do. This is why the guards know Melody, but Moika doesn't.
  • Moika does eventually learn that Melody stole Yuna's swords, which Moika can recognize on sight.
  • At some point before the war was over, Aroo the Lightning Bolt washed up on the shore of Kotoria, where he was arrested after beating up some guards who tried to kill him after realizing he wasn't from Katerina.
  • Shimki, Lord of Nekiho, may have found him and was unsure of what to do with him, and he calls a council of the Island Rules to decide what to do with him.
  • Moika realized that he could speak both Kotorian and English, realizing how big of an asset he could be, she bought his freedom and offered him a job as a translator.
  • He ended up teaching Moika and many of her people how to properly speak English, and they taught him how to speak proper Kotorian.
  • Aroo and Moika ended up becoming close because they had to trust each other when learning the languages, and Moika treated him like a friend, giving him freedom and training when she realized how much potential he had.
  • Moika agreed to have Yuna use the White Fire to decimate the invading force, something she was previously against, not wanting to give Yuna power over her.
  • But when Midnus came forward after the burning beach and offered peace, Moika was hesitant, but quickly agreed to sign, convincing others to as well.
  • Moika is curious about their change of heart, not thinking they'd give up after the White Fire, and she was ready to attack them again with the flames.
  • Yuna was the first to sign, saying that she didn't want to use the White Fire as a weapon again if she didn't have to, but she would use it against anyone. This was a warning to all of the other island rulers, all of whom took it to heart.
  • The islands didn't fully trust the word of Midnus, but when the Council was restructured and Minnie acted as a voice of reason giving them the chance to speak for themselves, they became more comfortable.
  • So when Mal sailed through the Mists in secret, coming through the other side, the Kotorians weren't sure what to think.
  • Mal sailed to Kuja after hearing rumors of a game master there and that they could reason with.
  • Mal can't really speak Kotorian though, and Moika can only speak in broken English, but the two manage to communicate through Aroo, and the three end up having a ton of talks and negotiations.
  • Moika trusts Aroo to properly translate what she couldn't understand as well as his sense of Mal's character, and for the most part Aroo trusts her.
  • Moika was curious, and invited them to her home, and was shocked when Mal challenged her, basically asking for good will if she won and giving anything Moika wanted to her if she lost.
  • Moika is enthralled and accepts, and Mal wipes the floor with her, and Moika is furious. Then, she's curious. The three of them talk constantly, with Mal and Moika becoming friends, or at least liking each other.
  • Mal tells her that her goal is to get Kotoria to open up their borders and to start trading and moving people between the two nations, claiming that it was the best way for the two countries to really bury the hatchet, leading to profit for both nations.
  • Moika isn't sure, but Mal eventually convinces her, and Moika realizes that if they build ports out of the tunnels and the Blow hole, trade would be much safer and they could transport goods easily into the country, then use the mists to go back.
  • The thing is, the Blow hole is sacred to everyone in Kotoria, and she can't open the borders unless a majority of the other Rulers agree.
  • From here on, Moika and Mal's goal was to convince the other Rulers to open up their borders and to start trading.
  • This is easier said than done though because a war just ended, and people are still really aggressive.
  • After this, Mal starts learning Kotorian through Aroo and Moika, she also starts traveling back and forth between the islands and the mainland, bringing goods with her through the tunnels in secret to give to the other islanders as bribes/to convince them.
  • But because Moika and Yuna hate each other, Mal is not allowed on Otenia, and Yuna declares herself as Neutral in the vote.
  • Eventually Mal didn't need Aroo to communicate and she was able to go to the other islands herself, after getting an introduction from Moika.
  • Moika helped Mal as best as she could while she started making the Blowhole into a port that Mal could use in secret.
  • Aroo might be the one to escort Mal to and from Katerina through the Mists on Moika's order.
  • This means Aroo is in Midnus When Sophie and Melody are captured, and he remeets Melody, so she recognizes him in Katerina later.
  • Moika also may have a set of guards, which Aroo may be apart of. Two swordsman who stay by her side (a boy and girl?), guarding her from threats, possibly siblings, retainers?)
  • Yuna also hates gambling, which may also bring tension between the two.
  • Moika doesn't believe in luck, but believes in using every advantage you can to win and to plan carefully.
  • Katerina Plot:
  • After Melody was discovered in Midnus, Finch sent the Beast Tamer Corp after her, and they may have met Moika, and gotten permission to stay on the Island to search for the criminal Melody.
  • Moika is in her castle when guards from the Blow hole bring her two intruders who were found in the Blow hole, and one of the guards tells her that this was Mariday, the one who used to be Yuna's student and who was still carrying her stolen swords.
  • Moika sees this as a huge opportunity to use Yuna's student and swords as a bargaining chip to get control over her and to change the vote to their favor.
  • Moika invites Melody and Inverness to a game where whoever wins each round gets to ask a question, and the other person must answer, which they agree to.
  • Inverness realizes that Moika's cheating, and Melody either also realizes it or has it pointed out to her later.
  • Moika lets them learn somethings but also learns things to, but when she asks a question Melody doesn't wanna answer, she's insulted and mad.
  • Soon after this meeting, Yuna shows up with the guard from the Blow hole and possibly some of their friends, demanding that Moika hand over Melody and her family swords, saying that she needs to serve justice to her student.
  • Shimki either arrives at the same time or after this, joining the conflict.
  • Eventually Mal may come back from a meeting with the other two islands, and recognizes the group and realizes that Finch wants them dead more than anything. the Beast Tamers may also realize what's going on, either staying in secret and waiting to see how it plays out or actively getting ignored by Moika in favor of using Melody for her own gains.
  • Moika ends up turning the whole thing into a game to see who would get Melodies head, which spirals into chaos.
  • Finch stuff:
  • During the game or some big sequence, Finch comes out of the Mists with an army, saying that he'd received word that his troops had received word that Melody and several other people of interest in Kotoria and he wanted them.
  • Finch either agrees to play a game or doesn't, giving them decision to either give him his prisoners or to reignite the war. He also tells them that he wants them to become affiliated with the mainland as the 6th (Or 6th-10th) Realm(s).
  • But they laugh, saying that people in the past tried to force them to bow and tried to force them to choose, and it didn't work out well. This lead to a huge fight between the two factions, where the Rulers of Katerina all join forces to fend off Finch.
  • Moika allows Melody and her friends to escape after talking with Yuna and burying the hatchet.
  • Mal may betray them, and can lead to Katerina getting attacked or screwed, but Mal is really on the side of Katerina.
  • Moika watches Melody escape, and then watches in horror as the Beast Tamers follow her.
  • Moika and Mal may have planned her fake betrayal.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to provide the best for her people, and believes that opening their borders to the mainland is the best way to do that. She also loves to gamble.


Contacts & Relations

  • Enemies with Yuna Sidar
  • Mentor of Aroo the Lightning Bolt
  • Curious about Melody
Kuja, Kotoria

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