Varenian Winged Hussars Military Formation in Argull | World Anvil

Varenian Winged Hussars

The Winged Hussars are the most elite unit in the armed forces of the Kingdom of Varenia. Known also as the Royal Guard Hussar Regiment, they have created a reputation over the centuries as fearless warriors with total loyalty to the crown. They are both a ceremonial guard for King Belavan III, and an effective combat force often sent on special (or especially sensitive) missions.   When originally formed, back in the mists of time, the Royal Guard Hussars were a heavy cavalry unit. This formation was, however, destroyed during the War of Vlach Succession at the Battle of Tivareth Pass in 795 AFJ. Their commander led them in "Sigislav's Death Ride", a desperate attempt to buy time for King Sigisvan IV to flee the field of the lost battle. The charge failed; the king was slain on the battlefield and the Guard Hussars were cut down to a man.   After submitting to a humiliating peace Varenia started to rebuild, and the Guard Hussars were re-formed but this time as a wyvern-mounted aerial force. At the time, it was the only wyvern-mounted force in Argull. They soon made a name for themselves.  
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Nominally 1000 strong, although this can vary significantly depending on recent combat experience and the rate at which trainees graduate into the Regiment.


The Winged Hussars are equipped with the best arms and armour money can buy. The Quartermasters of the Regiment strive for great uniformity.   Each man is equipped with Mithril or Orichalcum half-plate armour with an open-face zischagge-style helmet to combine protection with good vision. It is a matter of pride that the armour is always well maintained and highly polished. Shields are issued, each with the silver wyvern on a red field, although these are most usually just hung from the saddle to leave the riders' hands free to juggle lance, bow and reins. This insignia is also carried over to their crimson surcoats, and sometimes repeated on matching short cloaks.   A notable facet to their equipment is that where most military formations on Argull will have a regimental standard (or equivalent) with magical powers, the Hussars have both a magical regimental standard, and issue company banners of a magical nature. This makes sense because the companies are frequently sent on separate missions; it is very rare for the whole regiment to deploy for battle in a single place all at the same time. The banners provide significant magical protection (especially against hostile battle magic) as well as enhancing the skills and powers of the men.


The Hussars are well armed, again with the best money can buy. Every man has a kontos-length lance, heavy sabre, and composite bow. The bows are individually adjusted to match the owner's strength.   In addition, each man is equipped with several flasks of alchemists' fire for aerial bombardment of ground targets. At the Battle of Freiland last year, the Hussars first experienced the Fireflasks used by their foes from Danislav. These are similar to alchemists' fire, but on shattering release instead a trapped fire elemental. The Regiment is now starting to issue these to the Hussars, although supplies are still quite limited.


The Hussars are mounted on wyverns. Each man is also a competent horseman, and horses are used both for day-to-day transport and for military operations where using their wyverns would be inappropriate.   The Regiment makes great efforts to maintain the number of wyverns required.  It is not an easy task, and requires significant logistical effort. Many of the eggs are harvested for the Regiment from the mountains of the neighbouring but linked state, The Principality of Vlach. Although this is an expensive outlay for the Treasury, King Belavan III has made it clear that he regards it as an essential expense, and well worth the cost.


The Regiment is organised into 20 companies of 50 men, each company names after a past hero of the Regiment. The most senior company is the Boyar Sigislav Maslaus Company, named after the commander of the original Guard Hussars (then horse-mounted) at the Battle of Tivareth Pass. The 19th and 20th Companies are training companies, for men who have been trained to be competent enough to ride wyverns into battle but haven't formally graduated into the Regiment yet.   Each company has the same command structure; a captain, two lieutenants, a chaplain (battle priest of Czernobog), a senior and junior Battle-Mages (in fact, these are often sorcerers rather than true wizards), a Chirurgeon, and a Wyvern-Wrangler.   The Regiment as a whole has a similar command structure;    The Commander - Known as "The Silver Wing" - Vlach Tomas Drivamatz
The Deputy Commander - "Right Claw" - Sir Mikkal Ashak
Second Deputy Commander - "Left Claw" - Sir Ludovic Tarasz
"The Sting" - this comprises the other senior command staff; the Regimental Chaplain, two senior Battle Mages, the Wyvern-Wranger-in-Chief, the Paymaster and Quartermaster.


The tactics employed by the Winged Hussars are very flexible, determined by the task at hand, the tactical situation, and the opponent they face.   Generally, however, they will start with missile fire and (if applicable) aerial bombardment from a relatively safe range until the enemy is softened up. Then they will attempt to gain the element of surprise by switching at an unpredictable time into an aerial charge.   The enemy will be faced with the lances and sabres of the Hussars, as well as the bites, claws and poisonous stings of the wyverns. The threat of this effective combination is frequently enough to persuade hostile forces that they want to be elsewhere long before the charge swoops home.


Logistical Support

Logistical support for the Winged Hussars is primarily an in-house operation, and they generally don't share their logistics with the rest of the army.   The logistical service is divided into three sections;   Wyvern breeding, training and support
Arms and armour manufacture and maintenance
Food, fodder and campaign gear    While this (as with all of the army) is notionally a purely civilian-contracted service, the reality is that the regiment places retired or disabled veterans into the service with every opportunity they get, and more than half of the personnel involved have served in the regiment in one capacity or another.


The Winged Hussars are financed directly by the Crown of Varenia . This is a deliberate decision, and one which has been adhered to since the founding of the regiment. By avoiding funding from the general Treasury, or by levy on the noble houses, the regiment doesn't find itself subject to arbitrary cost-cutting or political leverage.   Unusually, officers of the regiment are not permitted to accept inducements from the noble families to expedite promotion of their favourite sons; promotion is purely based on merit and experience.


The Winged Hussars are nominally recruited from the sons of Varenian nobility. It is considered a great honour to a family for one of their sons to be selected in this most prestigious of regiments.   On the quiet, however, the regiment also recruits from the best of the regular army. The men recruited this way provide the steady backbone of the regiment, and are often to be found as NCO's, junior officers, trainers and supply officers.
Air Force
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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