The Demon King of Rojust Myth in Argeddon | World Anvil
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The Demon King of Rojust


His father, a King, bedded with Many women. The demons decided to play a trick on the King and bedded him to become pregnant. Five demons disguised as women produced five sons. After they were born, the Queen became pregnant a bore a boy. Fearing hatred from the half princes, the Queen and her son left for her familys kingdom. Corvus is one of the half prince's. He is able to summon black smoke to help him. He usually has a wolf shaped smoke with him at all times. These smoke beings are pure darkness, and by putting your ears to them hear screams of pain and loss. Looking into them will cause you to see terrible visions that can drive someone mad. It can also enter a body causing immense pain. Can only control dead bodies.   All six Princes were vying for the throne even though the legitimate prince was the first heir. They did this with secret meetings of the court, bribes, threats, murder, and even attempted assasimation on the Princes. Eventually, when the King died, a civil war started immediately.   Corvus eventually gave his loyalty to the legitimate prince, and helped him to fight back his brothers. The legitimate prince won the battle with his alliance to Corvus. Unfortunately 4 years later he succumbed to the plague-an aftermath of the war, and Corvus was named King. He created the Rojust flag of a black bird holding a crown- his personal insignia that Rojust adopted as its permanent flag. He also made many improvements to the city's sewage and garbage removal systems, making Rojust one of the cleanest cities at the time, and his actions stopped the plague in the city.   He is known as 'The Demon King of Rojust'

Historical Basis

Evidence of his reign today include the ditches built into the sides of the streets, as well as the flag of a bird holding a crown. Advisors and writer wrote of his reign, and he is very much beloved in Rojust. He is also loved by the religious, and is set as an emaple of someone who can overcome his evil nature to serve a greater good.


Known mainly in Rojust, although he is memtioned in Sunheim and Seerin Isle due to free travel among the allianced Kingdoms. It is rare to hear of Corvus anywhere else.

Variations & Mutation

The religious describe him as a very evil, selfish man before he met, until the gods spoke to him and helped him see the truth.   There also remains a rumor that he and the legitimate Prince bedded each other, and was obligated to ally with the legitimate Prince through blackmail. This is usually spouted by negative, or evil people looking to sow seeds of distrust and contempt for Rojust.   It is also said that Corvus allied with the legitimate Prince because he loved Rojust, and did not want it destroyed by War. This is the most common assumption for his reasons.   Overall, it is unclear why he decided to ally with the legitimate Prince, it is only known that he did.

Cultural Reception

This legend brings pride to the citizens of Rojust, as Corvus cared for the people of Rojust and wanting to make it a better place helped him overcome his evil

In Literature

Books and songs are written about The Demon King.
Date of Setting
In the Kingdom of Rojust
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