Mirnas Character in Argeddon | World Anvil
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"The Second Child Was Mirnas, a man with many eyes. He sees the past, the present, and the future. Followers of him will become Spirits that carry unto his will across Argeddon."   -The Eternal Tome       The First Followers of Mirnas were rewarded with eternal life. A couple become the two moons and live in the sky to meet at night. The Blue (currently white) moon is named Siina, and she rises first in the night. The second, larger moon is Rokhu, and progresses just above the horizon line whereas Siina's trajectory is more 'egg shaped'.

Divine Domains

Moons, dreams, time

Holy Books & Codes

The Eternal Tome

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Moons, eye, a many eyed man, a white tiger, the number 2

Tenets of Faith

Mirnas sees all, so one must always walk in the light.   The night is peace, and to disturb the peace is to disturb Mirnas


The Moon Festival- a Summertime Festival where the two Moons pass over each other as a partial eclipse. All fires are put out and citizens gather for a night of stories, smoking, peace and relaxation.   Night of Unity- When the moons meet up as a full eclipse. A double moon eclipse is quite rare. It happens every five-seven years approximately. When it does it is cause for much celebration at the meeting of the two lovers. This holiday can be seen as a sort of valentines day among Animen, where many couples express their love under the eclipses light.
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
The Second Child of Maker

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