Aret Geographic Location in Aret | World Anvil


The continent of Aret is also known as the Mother's Favorite, as it is the first of the continents that the Mother created. The Mother's youth and inexperience at the time is attributed to the near impossible climate and geography of the land. As She grew more experienced, the Mother allowed the rest of the continents to shape and form naturally with little to none of her influence.


Aret has several mountain ranges. The Grey Reaches is the only one of the ranges that is not connected in some way to the rest. There are three lakes in the continent proper, with many rivers feeding them from the mountains and some feeding into the seas.   Aret also lays claim to the Isle of Hunger across the Strait of the Broken, a small, mountainous island that served as the entry point for the Hungry invasion.   There are anywhere between six to a dozen forests, depending on who is asked. The most famous of the forests is the Forest of Old Dreams in the Mother's Basin, considered the forest where the Champion of the Mother fell in battle against the Hungry.   The three lakes of Aret are in each of the three corners of the continent. Each lake starts shallow, then becomes very deep towards the center. Many have wondered how deep they are and what lays at the bottom of each drop, but all attempts to discover the answers have led only to death and failure.
Alternative Name(s)
Mother's Favorite, The Birthplace


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