Urlans (species) Species in Aressa | World Anvil
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Urlans (species)

The Urlans are the people of battle: lovers of the cold, fighting for to win glory and perfect their skills. They are tall and strong, devoted to both individual strength and to justice.  

People of Struggle

Though Bemalonc emerged only after the first mortals were created and had rebelled against the gods, the Divine Pact granted him the right to create his own race. The Urlans are his people, embodying his love for battle and strength. Urlans value self-sufficiency, and Urlans with little ability are sometimes abandoned by their tribe. They love competition, and constantly strive to outdo one another, yet they are also devoted to fairness and justice, and those who attempt to gain an underhanded advantage in competition are shunned.

Basic Information


Urlans share the bipedal body type of all mortal races. They have stone-white or grey skin marked by twisting red lines, black hair, and icy blue eyes.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Urlans are known to inhabit Megea, as well as some smaller western islands. They believe they hail from a frozen land even further south than Aressa.  

D&D 5E Stats


Ability Score Increase +2 Str, +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft

Languages. Common, Urlan

Feature NameDescription
Natural AthleteYou have proficiency in the Athletics skill.
Enduring NatureYou can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Powerful BuildYou count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Mountain BornYou’re acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet. You’re also naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
90-100 years
Average Height
7' to 8'6"
Average Weight
220 to 290 lb.
Related Ethnicities

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