Ameriel's Coming of Age Ceremony Tradition / Ritual in Arelia | World Anvil

Ameriel's Coming of Age Ceremony

In the Kingdom of Ameriel, there is a special ceremony held for humans and golden dragonborn alike. It is known simply as the Coming of Age Celebration. When a young man or woman attains the age of 16, by Ameriel Kingdom Law, they are adults. It is during this time the celebration takes place. However, seeing as how reproduction is something NOT placed on a schedule and never will be, it was decreed that the celebration shall be held once a year. On the 8th Day of the month of Nakis, the celebration and ceremony is held throughout the realm of Ameriel Kingdom. It is during this time, that many begin their apprenticeship in their field of choice. Some become craftsmen and craftswomen, others become squires to serve within the military, others become artists and performers and others become scholars. The choices available are endless but regardless, a choice must be made. Those of the Divination arts, make themselves available for no cost to those seeking what fate has planned for them, others of the Clergy make themselves available as well for those who wish to ask the gods for guidance. By the end of the day, all will have chosen a path. A select few have been known to seek the life of an adventurer. These individuals are taken in by the Legion of the Lionheart, Lazurite Academy, Hell Riders or Protos Naos for their specialized training.   The ceremony itself lasts one week as the new adults of the kingdom must make difficult choices and gather as much information as possible before doing so and seek the opinions of those they hold dear. It is not every day one becomes an adult after all. On the evening of the final day, a great celebration is held and the new adults congratulate one another in song, dance, drinking, food and merriment. All within the kingdom celebrate this day as one people regardless of station, income or the like.
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Cover image: THU Reborn by James Combridge


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