The Kolkari Mountains Geographic Location in Ardrim | World Anvil

The Kolkari Mountains

The Kolkari mountains, while not the tallest mountains in the world by any account (that honor goes to the Bæor Mountains), they are one of the longest, stretching from the north to the south of Beogar, meandering east and west as it pleases. In the north, it hosts the famed mountain city of Al Kimran, the final battleground of the Great Desolation. It then stretches to the south, where it hosts the Dulkarnithian Kingdoms and, even farther south across the Shrouded Peaks and enveloping the mysterious nation of Kalash.


It is a massive mountain range, compensating for its average height with its astounding length and width. In its northern regions, the peaks are generally covered with evergreen trees until they reach the rocky, snowcapped summits. As it continues south, the temperature becomes more amicable, and allows the mountains to host a large amount of biodiversity. In fact, it sports some of the highest known biodiversity in a cold to temperate climate in the world. It was also this region where many dragons once made their homes, although they have long fled from the area as far as anyone knows. In the farthest southern reaches of the range on the Kotallar Peninsula, it becomes host to a rainforest climate where the Kalashtar make their home, hidden behind the Shrouded Peaks.

Natural Resources

Due to its vast reach, the Kolkaris are home to an impressive number of natural resources. The most prominent of these include mithril and Keldar Crystals, both of which are most commonly found (and the latter only being found) in the Shrouded Peaks of Kalash. Farther north, many materials such as various stones, most of which are of a metamorphic composition, gemstones, a multitude of different metals, and extensive types of lumber and foodstuffs be they plant or animal.
Mountain Range
Included Organizations


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