Ainu Character in Ardras | World Anvil


"Hey! Hey! I saw a bug! It had a bajillion legs and a little pinchy face like this! Do you wanna come see? Come look! Come look!"
— Ainu

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ainu is a small slip of a young girl with a short, childish stature.

Special abilities

Ainu is capable of levitation and floats freely through the air at will, and often has to be reminded to keep her feet solidly on the ground when trying to remain inconspicuous. Ainu also houses an assortment of powerful and mysterious abilities such as negating magic, healing, and projecting beams of pure white energy.

Apparel & Accessories

Ainu wears a simple white linen dress with a pale blue jeweled neckpiece. Her wrists and ankles are clasped with wrought iron shackles of unknown origin.

Specialized Equipment

The wrought iron shackles seem to be imbued with a mysterious ancient energy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not very much is known about this spritely young girl who curiously floats several feet off the ground. Pyre Redheart discovered her one day locked up in an ornate chest on board the ship of Crassner Blacktalon. Following a ship wreck, the sweet young lady has joined up with the two ex-pirates and assassin Zephyr Windgale in search of her grandfather, a mysterious individual which Ainu insists is expecting her and looking for her.


Ainu has no formal education but exhibits a wonderous curiousity for the world around her, and is easily excited over simple things such as strange bugs, puddles, and other people. She is always eager to learn new things and actively seeks out new and novel experiences. She is especially fond of recounting the stories her grandfather has shared with her, and appears to have an impressive imagination.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ainu is innately curious and quickly gets herself into trouble by wandering into dangerous situations. Though she does not appear to known much about the world, she prioritizes showing kindness and care to those she encounters, and her innocent mindfulness warms even the coldest of hearts.

Morality & Philosophy

Ainu has an innate sense of love which seems almost divine in nature. Her first goal before any is ensuring the emotional well-being of the members of her party. Ainu is good-natured and friendly, even in the face of the grim realities of the world.

Personality Characteristics


Ainu acts impulsively and darts from one distraction to the next, she simply enjoys living in the moment of discovery.

Likes & Dislikes

Ainu is especially fond of sweet fruits and berries, such as apples, pomegranates, and strawberries, all of which she has a voracious appetite for.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ainu has often been described as a very sweet and mindful girl who pays her respects to her elders and often talks at length with great enthusiasm, recounting the many tales her mysteriously absent grandfather shares with her. She is especially fond of coloring and creating great beautiful works of art that seem imbued with a mysterious presence.

Personality Quirks

Ainu is prone to wandering, engaging in conversation with random passerbys, and absent-mindedly staring at clouds. A trait that she and Pyre Redheart share.


Contacts & Relations

Ainu is always happy to be in the presence of her friends Pyre Redheart, Zephyr Windgale, and Crassner Blacktalon, even if they don't always get along.

Social Aptitude

Ainu is a sweet young girl and displays an almost otherworldly air of modesty and kindness. She is friendly with most every new person she meets, and can warm even the most grizzled hearts.


Ainu tends to levitate excitedly when she finds something new or interesting, and is prone to bouts of swirling and twirling through the air.


Ainu has a very sweet, sing-songy voice.


Neutral Good
Current Location
Extra long, flowing, white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
45 lbs.
Known Languages
  • Common
  • First Empire Codex
  • Dawntongue