Hayyel Aysannlara Character in Arda | World Anvil
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Hayyel Aysannlara

Queen of the Grove Hayyel Aysannlara

Hayyel Aysannlara is the ruler and founder of the elven land of Tatidär in the eastern Frontier Lands. She is the elder sister of Inaedra coregent of the elven kingdom of Sarhólgahnúm Having yet to take a spouse she rules alone, but is a popular ruler with her neighboring regents.

Physical Description

Body Features

Hayyel is willowy and delicate appearing, but wiry. She is elegant in both appearance and movement, possessing of an almost supernatural grace. She is pale and fair-skinned possessing neither freckle or blemish.

Facial Features

Her face is austere and beautiful, with high cheekbones and delicate symmetrical features. Like all elves her irises, violet in color, and larger than most humanoids her eyes appearing to have almost no whites. Her ears are six inches in length and point backwards, angling upwards slightly to end parallel to the crown of her head. Her hair is straight, light blue, and worn long and straight.

Physical quirks

She is right-handed and walks with an erect posture seeming to glide rather than walk.

Apparel & Accessories

She generally wears flowing gowns in various shades of green, though occasionally dark blue. She wears a silver tiara as a crown and wears a pendant with a moonstone gem.

Specialized Equipment

Amongst her other possessions is a magic long sword of icy burst.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Venäy in Dadmaynan to a noble family she was raised like most elves allowed to dabble in one thing after another as the whim struck her. At a young age, for an elf, she developed an abiding interest in both magic and swordplay and began focusing on both fusing them in the style of a magus. When she was a mere 125 years old, she set out to explore the world beyond Dadmaynan.

She joined a group of itinerant adventurers who were exploring the Frontier Lands. She spent over a decade in their company exploring and growing in power. It was the exploration of a vast forested region that planted the seed that would grow into Tatidär. Seeing the vast and fertile lands she thought how it would be a wonderful place to settle.

It would be another sixty years before she would act on this. First, she retired to Dadmaynan where she continued her studies, but she never forgot the vast forested lands. Knowing that the humans were settling and establishing kingdoms in the Frontier Lands, she began to consider the possibility of establishing an elven kingdom as well. She talked to a few of her peers and found some interest, but for sixty years she never acted, instead simply making the occasional plan and researching what she might need to know.

In the year 610 she began to seriously plan, including recruiting settlers for her new kingdom. It was another decade before she left, leading a band of seventy elves to the heart of what she named Tatidär to settle the community she named Bishara. But founding the nation was an adventure in itself. The land was the home of goblins and kobolds, who had to be Persuaded to move on. The goblins were largely driven out as their penchant for burning large swaths of the forest was anathema to the elves. However she did manage to make a few treaties with some of the kobold tribes allowing them to remain within the bounds of Tatidär. Her biggest challenge was the dragon Claughaurak who claimed the land of Tatidär for himself. After several damaging attacks Hayyal was forced to lead a party to the dragon’s lair where she slew it and claimed his treasure for her fledgling kingdom.

Her biggest challenge was the war of 678 when her country was overrun and Bishara was besieged by an army of orcs and giants. While the elves managed to repel several attempts to overrun the town, they surrounding humanoids were clearly planning to fire the forest and burn them out. It was the druid Sirion who saved Bishara by summoning a powerful storm that foild the plan to fire the forest and provided cover for Hayyel to lead a desperate assault to break the siege. The battle was dearly won, and Hayyel herself was nearly killed in single combat with the orc chieftain Madudoc.

After the war of 678 she led many of the expeditions to cleanse the land of the remnants of the invaders. She has largely retired since then from active adventuring to run her kingdom. She has negotiated several trade agreements with lands beyond Tatidär.


Like most elves Hayyal’s education was a very haphazard affair with her picking up knowledge and skill as the whim to study something struck her. Consequently, during her long childhood, she dabbled in a number of occupations. As a member of a noble family she had quality tutors in any subject she wished to study. She tried her hand at music, crafts, and other things before trying magic and weapons play. At a young age she fell in love with both swordplay and magic. Her parents made sure she had the finest tutors in both weapons and arcana and she picked thigs up quickly.

Upon retiring from adventuring she once again began dabbling in different subjects. But now it was more than dabbling, older and more mature, she took to her studies with a more serious temperament. She also studied with a purpose in mind. She studied economics, agriculture, diplomacy, and anything else she could think of that would help her as a ruler. Consequently, when she began recruiting settlers for her kingdom, she had accumulated quite a bit of knowledge about a multitude of subjects. She was not an expert in anything, but she knew enough to pick the best advisors.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As an adventurer she had a number of achievements though her greatest achievement was the founding of the first elven nation in the Frontier Lands. This led to a number of other accomplishments, such as her leading the band that slew the dragon Claughaurak and defeating in single combat the orc chieftain Madudoc. Since then she has contented herself with minor though no less important accomplishments in the running of her kingdom, and on the diplomatic front.

Intellectual Characteristics

Hayyel is a very logical individual who approaches problems in a methodical manner. She has a prodigious memory and has studied a wide variety of subjects. She however is wise enough to know the difference between knowledge and experience, and uses her knowledge to pick advisors who have experience she lacks.

Morality & Philosophy

Hayyel acts as a good person is expected to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. She strives to be forthright in her words and deeds, refuses to lie to others, and keeps her covenants. She is proficient at following laws and cultivating order and structure in her own life and in others’. She is naturally helpful, and others find her trustworthy, even if they don’t share the same philosophy. She believes that good can only be achieved through order, no matter what other philosophies espouse. She holds laws to be absolutely necessary for the good of all and refuse to participate in actions that would her into conflict with the law.

It is important to Hayyel that others receive the punishment they deserve for wrongdoings, and the law is fair to all, however, she believes all beings should be treated with compassion, even if they are transgressors. She believes in the importance of close-knit families and strong communities and tries to teach others to be self-sufficient. She reveres order and law, regarding these concepts as the answer to all of civilization’s problems; for her, a strong, benevolent government is what allows civilizations to thrive. She strives for order and organization, and views strong government as necessary for civilization’s cultivation, and strong families and communities as the building blocks of successful settlements. She uses her creativity and skills to teach others how to improve their lives and communities, and gladly offer her assistance when others are moved to create order and structure.

Personality Characteristics


Hayyel’s goal is to build her kingdom and see it prosper. Tatidär is already one of the largest of the Frontier Land kingdoms but she is determined to build it even larger. She heard of the elves’ migration from the New Kingdoms as human kingdoms supplanted the kingdoms of the elves and she wishes to reverse the trend. She is particularly intent on establishing good relations with Ethfamen, Windbrücke, Klarland, and Hofkastell, as she expects that at some point Tatidär will share borders with them. She seeks to establish Tatidär as the premier purveyor of fine crafts, especially musical instruments, in the Frontier Lands.

On a personal level she seeks to reach the level of “True Magus”. She hasn’t had much time to work at it, but she finds time every day to exercise both her magic and her swordplay.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Hayyel is a skilled battle mage, practiced at casting spells in the heat of combat. As a spell dancer she isn’t quite as powerful a mage as one who focused solely on magic. However, she makes up for it by her proficiency with weapons, particularly the long sword and her skill at casting spells while being engaged in melee combat. She is also a skilled dancer, and quite adept at diplomacy. She is somewhat less skilled at the other tasks of rulership, but she makes up for it by her skill at finding talent and delegating.

She is not very skilled at lying tending to be straightforward and honest, she is also not very skilled at discerning when she is being lied to. This also means she sometimes doesn’t realize when she is being joked with so she sometimes comes across as humorless, when in fact she has a good sense of humor.

Likes & Dislikes

Hayyel truly loves her kingdom and its people and devotes most of her time and effort to the welfare of her kingdom. She likes to dance and is frequently hosts balls just for the opportunity to dance. She dislikes orcs and giants for what they did to her kingdom and the forest during the invasion. She hates goblins for their practice of burning forests.

Virtues & Personality perks

Hayyel is altruistic, generous to a fault, honorable, trustworthy, respectful of all life, reliable, a believer in equality and freedom. She is just and merciful, friendly to all good creatures, and willing to look at all sides of an issue. She stands for justice and order. Above all she is compassionate. She believes in helping those truly in need and strives to set a good example for her subjects.

Vices & Personality flaws

She can be a little inflexible in her attitudes which can frustrate some of her advisors and subjects. She is slow to react to things taking her time, even when she doesn’t have time, this can cause problems as things will change while she is examining the situation and trying to decide on the best course of action. However, once she has set her mind on a course of action, she is nigh impossible to be dissuaded from it. Finally, she is overly fond of honey eating a little at every meal when she can.


Contacts & Relations

Hayyel is on very friendly terms with both Cynesige Apfelnähe of Ethfamen and will come to each other’s aid if needed. She is also on good terms with Wynnstan Elynbrüke of Windbrücke though she is a little concerned about his plans to build a standing army, she can understand his reasons. She is a close friend of Damerrel Anaphrimral of Sarhólgahnúm and is supportive of his fledgling elven kingdom and his recent annexation of the Annatow forest. She s a good friend of Cyneburg Sattler of Klarland and has been supportive of his young kingdom. Likewise she is on good terms with Larkin Ordner of Hofkastell and has been offering him advice since he first settled his kingdom.

Family Ties

Hayyel is the older sister of Inaedra Aysannlara Anaphrimral and sister-in-law of Damerrel Anaphrimral. She is also related, albeit distantly, to the royal house of Dadmaynan.

Religious Views

She has long been a worshipper of Sinnis, Aramu, and Rohkea, and adheres to their doctrine. In recent years she has also become a follower of Utu. However, she also pays homage to Vaalea, Laki and Kello. That being said she allows her people to worship as they see fit, except she opposes the evil deities and doesn’t allow them n her lands. She is also open to followers of the Green Faith welcoming them in her land.

Social Aptitude

Hayyel is friendly, but reserved. Skilled at weaving arcane forces she is less skilled when it comes to dealing with people. Not that she’s awkward socially, she’s just more comfortable dealing with books than people. Still when I becomes necessary she is more than capable of dealing with people.

Wealth & Financial state

As ruler of Tatidär, Hayyel has access to quite a deal of wealth. However, most of her wealth is in the form of works of art and finely crafted items produced by her subjects as tribute. In terms of gold and silver she is less affluent, though still has access to plenty of wealth most of which is used in dealing with foreign governments.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Her Ladyship, Queen of Tatidär. Elder Lady of Bishara.
Year of Birth
417 310 Years old
Venäy, Dadmaynan
Current Residence
Bishara, Tatidär
Violet and almond shaped
light blue, long and usually worn loose
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair though somewhat tanned from living in the sun.
6' 0"
178 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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