Lounge of Laebh
Bajou's Most Popular House of Games
"Hey, kiddo, wait up! Its your first time visiting Our-Fair-Lady huh? I better show you the best place to relax at after a long day of hard work."
House of Games
In the port of Bonne Espérance, captial city of the Principality of Bajou, one can find an establishment like not others, the Lounge of Laebh. Money, wine and games flow like rivers into the sea, meals are served and music plays loudly amidst the general chaos that fills the rooms.Players of all levels gather for games, tournaments are held, people of all social statures find themselves in the same, sweaty room to play together.
There are a wide variety of games available, from strategical board games to faster paced dexterity games such as Hounds and Jackals. Everyone is guaranteed to find something to their liking, and have the time of their lives.
Gambling and Illicit Affairs
While the Lounge officially makes gambling illegal, it is because the Principality of Bajour forbids it. The truth is, gambling and betting are illegal only as long as one does not get caught, and it is not uncommon for the staff to turn a blind eye to such practices within the establishment. Through bribes and other means, the Lounge is always aware of "surprise" inspections by city officials, allowing them to make sure no illegal behaviour can be spotted in the establishment when they come to visit the building.The Lounge also serves as a backdrop for many illicit operations, which take place in some of the secret rooms hidden amidst the chaos of games and drunken patrons. There, black market goods are bought and exchanged, information is traded, and wrongs are righted.
Rules of the Lounge
2 - Under no circumstances will there be any gambling, betting or whatsoever on games within the lounge.
3 - All grievances must be left outside of the building.
4 - No sore losers.
Breaking any of the rules is punished by banishment of the establishment.
No gambling? What kind of establishment are you running here?! In all seriousness, a gaming parlor broken into three floors, each with unique aesthetic and games? Sounds like the perfect place for shady business to happen.
"I am becomedestroyercreator of worlds!"To be fair, that is a good point. I'll add a quick note about that ^^, thank you for the comment!