Domatradon Tradition / Ritual in Arcnine | World Anvil
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A ritual in which a Yalvake that has turned six years old prepares themselves to start working in their domain. This ritual is both a test and a celebration of the child. A Domatradon last a full day starting at sunrise and ending the following sunrise and during each phase of the suns position throughout the day.


At the first sign of sunrise the child must drink a bowl of water without spilling any of it and must drink it slowly. This is to show the child humility and respect for the scarcity of water. When the sun has fully risen the child must go out into the Deprin Dunes and find some amount of food before the suns peak. This is required even if the child is a moonborn and makes the child feel the survivalistic power that drives the Yalvake and the difficulty of the food found. When the sun is at its peak the child must prepare a meal using the food found for their mother. This shows the valuable skill of cooking that every Yalvake must know and respect for the people that brought the child into the world. The mother must eat the food even if it is poisonous or not cooked well otherwise the child will suffer exile. The food prepared by the child is the only food the mother will get for that day. At three-quarters day the child must gather themselves onto the land mover spotting nest and watch for any Land Movers. No other scouts will be looking at this time and if the child fails to recognize the signs that indicate a Land Movers approach the whole village may die as a result. The spotting of Land Movers is a vital skill that all Yalvake must know. When the sun begins to set the child must make a den that they will sleep in during the night. The abillity to make a den is vital in case a Yalvake is caught in a sand storm without shelter. When the sun has set the child's test is now finished and a feast is held where the child is served a Tractmite that has been cooked and they are now pronounced an adultling allowing them to start an apprenticeship in their domain. The child then sleeps in their den and continues life in the morning as an adultling.
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