Deprin Dunes Geographic Location in Arcnine | World Anvil
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Deprin Dunes

The Deprin Dunes are a series of dunes on the Southern end of the Arcnine Continent. The Dunes themselves are home to very little life but do include the race of people known as the Yalvake.


The Dunes are blown by powerful sandstorms called Land Movers. Due to this, the dunes themselves tend to shift and rotate around the desert. Often there can be large sections of open sand and a week later the environment will have shifted into steep sand hills. Often those caught in these wind storms are not seen again due to the massive walls of sand that can crash down on a person at any point. The sand itself has several layers: the top layer is the largest and is the sand that moves when Land Movers happen, this sand is fine and dusty. Below the top layer is a coarser sand layer where most of the plants and animals in this region live including often the Yalvake. The layer beneath the coarse sand layer is called the mud bays and holds a lot of moisture and mud within it. It is still dangerous though since the mud itself can trap and pull people down into it much like quicksand.


The animals that live in the Deprin Dunes are often very small and fast or use the strong winds from the Land Movers to take flight. These types of animals often use poision as well to kill prey like the Flamutren a sheet like creature that can be lifted into the air by the Land Movers and then uses small venomous talons to grapple and kill other small creatures. Due to competition in this desert being so fierce rarely do you ever see a pair of animals together that aren't in combat. Plants in this area are roots in the second layer of the dunes that are dug up by animals and humans alike to eat and use for fires. These roots stretch far and often in the mud bays in order to get moisture


The climate in the dunes is harsh with nights that can freeze a unprotected person and days that could easily scorch a persons body to the point of bublling with heat. Due to this people and creatures will burrow into the sand at night and will wear a lot of light cloth or have scales in order to withstand the intense heat.
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