Eskale Parade Tradition / Ritual in Archylavia | World Anvil
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Eskale Parade

The Eskale Parade is a tradition that is believed to keep away poverty, bring good luck and appease Alastor and prevent him from tormenting them.   There's a childhood nursery rhyme that is about this tradition that goes:   Hear ye, hear ye Come and see, Beggars are coming through town; Some in bags, Some in rags, And some in hand-me downs


In Kairaviel many years ago, there was a family who fell on hard times. They went door to door through the town begging their friends and family for help. Sadly no one took pity on them and gave them shelter but a few offered a little food or some old clothes. The family scavenged what they could but unfortunately they were found one morning huddled around the town well clinging to each other and life. The townsfolk argued over who was too busy to help them. Finally a couple of tailors took the family in while the others kept arguing. They nursed the family as best they could but the family didn't make it. The tailors had a small cermony and buried the family. Over the next few weeks, the townsfolk suffered many tragedies. Livestock died, food went bad and a bakery caught on fire and burned down with the businesses next door suffering major damage too.  The tailors however were doing extremely well. The towns wealthiest family ordered some garments and then praised the work and told their friends and the orders came pouring in. Those who had offered food and clothes to the poor family also found little bits of good luck following them. Getting the last item at market or getting unexpected extra items given.    After much tragedy the townsfolk gathered and asked the Priests to seek the gods as to why this happening. The word came back that they had angered the gods with their disregard of the family in need. And that they must make an effort to change or suffer worse consequences. They came up with a plan. Everyone went and gathered their extra food, goods and garments and spread word to all the beggars. On the road now known as Hospitality Mile, the people practised hospitality by giving out their extraneous belongings to the beggars as they marched past.    Upon enquiry the gods said they were appeased but that the townsfolk mustn't forget this lesson. Over time it's become more of a jubilant parade. But the townsfolk give generously to the parade and the town fund. The Eskale fund was set up to fund the law which states that any person who cannot afford to pay can claim Eskale and the business can apply for the costs of serving that person from the town fund.


The beggars parade down the middle of town. Often the rhyme is Chanted or music played. As they pass they are cheered and given many times.

Components and tools

Food, clothes, essential items


The beggars and poor folk of the town march in the parade.  The other more fortunate townspeople line the sides of the roads with sacks and carts full of various items.    The Priests also march with a sack or bowl to collect donations towards the town fund.


The parade takes place at the start of each season.    They also have a town fund that certain establishments can apply to if the beggars make use of their services at other times.
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