Witch Hunter Rank/Title in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Witch Hunter


To qualify as a hunter, one requires both a perfect physique and combat training. Wether these skills have been taught through rigorous military exerise, a life of crime or through being the local village hunter, is not important. A Witchfinder is someone who hunts the worst of the worst, without magic after all - sometimes with as little equiment as a sharp stick. Therefor, they need also be fearless and creatively minded.   What they can't be to qualify though, is too narrowly minded and spitefull against magicians. Though such hunters do exist, it is against their codex to slay any 'witch' whom turns out to be just an ordinary lady village doctor. Just having the mindset that only females can be witches is actually enough to be disqualified, as the hunters require a good sense for diplomacy.


Accompanied by this diplomacy is the requirement to learn not only how to combat magics, but also long studies about gods and their blessings. A rushed course within investigations is also required to accomplish, finalized with a mental test - to ensure no new hunter goes insane after just a couple of missions. After all, dealing with constant death and gore while being expected to always dish out justice without straying off the path of righteousness and sacrifice, is not an ordinary profession.


To become a hunter, one must be appointed by a council of elder hunters. Five or six Witchfinders, with already five years of experience underneath their belt will be able to appoint anyone to the same rank of their own, as well as appoint any of their own team to become the pointman of their group. It doesn't even need to go through a commander of the hunters, as they're already few in numbers and often work on their own, when there isn't a bigger stake at play.


A hunter is oblidged to always investigate a cause for concern when it comes to magic being used for ill and harm. They are to then attempt and defuse any situation and bring the culprit back alive, or fine them on the spot for reckless usage of magic. This is, however a best case cenario. In cases of there being death, sacrifice and horrors involved, the hunter is ordered to bring a killteam together and eradicate any threat and then burn the remains. Mercy and forgiveness can not be tolerated, while they're still required to save as many potential civilians as possible, with their lives as the price if so needs be.


All hunters are responsible to make sure their stuff, gear and buildings like forts and keeps are well maintained. Though they often hire services to fix them, rather than waste their precious time doing everything on their own. They're also responsible to ensure everyone is safe and sound around them.


The hunters have a vast funding from their order, and are also seen as one of the greatest ranks to hold within the order. As per see, a general can command nearly anyone underneath them, with the exception of civilans not milita. A Witch Hunter can easily overwrite their command and make both demands and requests of them, like some sort of secret police that even politicans and nobility require to adher too.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Though the hunters are always allowed to use the best possible gear they can get their palms on, for a specific mission in play, or just rock their family heirlooms - a silver, wooden, steel or gold stake is always to be carried with them, as certain creatures don't tend to like to stay dead when killed. Destroying their hearts or cores with any of said stakes almost always tends to finish the job permanently.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A hunter whom does not strictly follow the Codex can be both removed by any other hunter, or plain executed on the spot by anyone present, if their crime is bad enough.

Notable Holders

The Falcon
Religious, Military
Witch Hunters were created more than a thousand years ago, when the Blackwood was overrun by dark magics. The populace and churches then took matters in their own hands, giving birth to the first anti-magic warriors humanity has had - as well as the best.
Form of Address
Sir, Master, Witchfinder
Alternative Naming
Witchfinder, Hexbreaker, Master Huntsman
Equates to
Elite forces, royal guard officers, accomplished monster hunters.
Source of Authority
The Falcon
Related Organizations


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