Well of the Faeye Myth in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Well of the Faeye


The legends speak of a gateway to a world unseen. A different plains, hidden in secret on this very world. It carries an entirely different sky with a nature and change of seasons that should be alien to nature.   It’s said that, once entered, there is no way back from what lies beyond. However, there is something that lives there, in the depths beyond.   A creature of fortune and sacrifice. It is thought that sending those who carry the pale sickness down the well, shall be blessed with good luck and easy lives.

Historical Basis

The tale is based around an actual well, in the middle of the deepest woods it resides, said older than time itself.   It is said, from several sources, both from villages near and travelers far alike that, during lonely nights in the forest, wonders happen. Voices softer than elves swell up from the waters, along with a blue mysterious glow appears from the well.   Nobody understand what the voices say, but somewhere in the legend there has been stated, that the voices seek for young women with albinism to be sacrificed to them.


This weird legend is mainly just told around the more central villages, towns and cities of Diestria, yet it is well known in most of human society. It’s just not talked about due to many cultures finding it stupid and weird.

Cultural Reception

Most cultures do frown at the legend, due to many superstitious nobles and villagers actually commit to it’s lure, as they believe there to be truth in the words.   Many organisations, such as the Ysandrian Inquisition, Witch Hunters and more do go against the sacrifice, which has been outlawed and condemned as murder and heresy all over the lands. Even the elves have approved and joined in the High Courts judgement guarding the well, due to old kidnappings.
Date of First Recording
Ca: 2000 years ago.
Date of Setting
Lost to time.
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