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Dragan the Dwarf

Dragan son of Dragan, son's son of Dragan

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stocky, yet surprisngly agile and healthy. This dwarf has no illnesses not afflictions, as he carries himself with a surprisingly fast pace and monk-like reflexes and mobility, for a guy with an absolute dad-body.

Body Features

With a somewhat sooty, fairly white hue common to dwarves, accompanied by red hairstrands on his large muscular arms. Dragan really is a perfect visual stereotype for what most people would consider a dwarf to be.

Facial Features

Dragan carries a large, round nose accompanied by a red braided beard, with a massive handlebar moustache that covers most of his face. He's got thick and friendly cheeks underneath, with a feint constantly sunburnt blush and a powerfull forehead that could knock an ox out with a headbutt. His ears are also on the larger, more rounded side and stick out a bit in a funny way.

Identifying Characteristics

Like every dwarf which isn't a clanless exile, Dragan has runic tattoo's over his arms and back, which describes the family herritage of Dragan, son of Dragan, son son of Dragan, son son son of... and so on. This rune is coloured blue as it's the most typical colour for any dwarf to have their runes tattoo'd in.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about Dragan or his story. The average tale folks have heard this jolly drunk speak in taverns, is that he's an explorer from the dwarven kingdoms, with a lineage which spans several tens of thousands years back in history. Which isn't really anything odd at all for a dwarf, the contrary being strange and even despised for their kin.   In fact, Dragan is an absolute stereotype of his people. Stout and proud, eager to down a drink with anyone who chats him up in a tavern, a bumbling idiot of an explorer who somehow always have a godlike luck on his side, as well as naturally perfected engineer and ranger. Some of these stereotypes don't even make sense, where some have come across the man as the idiot, stumbling through a dangerous forest with no right to have survived so long on his own. Others having come across the man as a ranger, capable of felling some of the largest beasts and rescuing adventurers on a quest way above their league.   The tavern tales of this dwarf are many. Too many in fact, to make any realistic sense. How can he be found in a tavern way up north in Scarnza one day, then the week afterwards sighted tracing a new type of creature in Diestria. Especially without a flying mount or an airship, that could possibly make that journey.   Though these tales are so often spoken by silly drunks and odd tavern wenches, so little does it matter anyways. Perhaps Dragan the Dwarf isn't so special at all, in fact he is extraordinarily ordinary. Mayhap he's a scam artist, mayhap he's actually just an odd clan of bearded men, trying to pull the tall-uns a leg. Perhaps he is more than that, or nothing more than an alcoholic tale.

Morality & Philosophy

Dragan is known to be a kind and free spirit. He believes in growth of people, to be allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. To live, breathe, explore and learn all there is within this vast world, that is his philosophy, that through friendship, hardship and a cold drink every now and then, the soul is usually the most passionate, or fueled to chase other passions. He also preaches kindness to those fellows he passes and is oddly knowledgable about the situation of everyones walking shoes. Figureatively and literally speaking. He's known to give good advice if encountered on a journey and quick to enact a vengance in dadjokes and puns, against the judgemental, scornful and spiteful.

Personality Characteristics


Dragan has a typical dwarven hygiene. A bit of dirt underneath the fingernails, some soot on the skin and hair, a bit of grease within the beard, but nothing that comes of as disgusting or repulsive. Rather it's a typically charming amount of mud that most working people by a majority of races and ethnicities carry on them.


Family Ties

He's Dragan, son of Dragan, son son of Dragan!


Dragan speaks in a high pitched tone which is almost more akin to a cheerful roaring, than normal speech. He never swears through and never uses any terms that could be considered as a permanent farewell, as if he knows he'll see you once more again. He's also got that stereotypical dwarfish accent and a hollering laugher close to every word he speaks. His most well known catch phrase, besides of I am Dragan, son of Dragan! - Is the; "I'm off ta explore again, la(d/s). Be seein' ye again an' drinks on me!" before vanishing from sight and sound.

Would ye like a pint?

Current Status
On a mission to explore the whole wide world!
Probably 50 and something else.
Large and friendly chestnut brown orbs.
Long, shoulderlength curly red hair. Unkempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, with spots and dirt around his face and fingers, likely from foraging and mining.
Known Languages
It's unkown what languages Dragan knows, but for some reason he's always capable of speaking to anyone and they just understand him as if in their own knowledge. Strange, perhaps. Then again, the dwarves are known for having gathered plenty of ancient relics, some with runic translation devices, which he might just carry.


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