Eternal Bliss Condition in Arcasai | World Anvil
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Eternal Bliss

The Gravewort flower, when smoked, gives the recipient Eternal Bliss.  

Gravewort Flower

The Gravewort is a flower that despite its name does not grow in graveyards, although it has been seen to grow there on occasion. It is in fact named after the effect it gives, of the peace of one's last breath. It grows in single stems, with 5 petals that gradient from white in the center to lavender. It has a bright yellow stamen and dark green leaves and stem. It grows small lumps that can occasionally resemble thorns.  


Interestingly, the effect requires both the petals and leaves to be smoked at the same time. Otherwise, the effect has been described more like the feeling of drowning. It is common to "spike" someone's gravewort by only putting in one or the other. This has also occasionally been used as a torture method, forcing someone to inhale the smoke only to feel as if they cannot breath anymore.   The effect has been named "Eternal Bliss" because most who participate in smoking Gravewort agree that it is like you're on the precipice of dying and you are about to experience the eternal bliss of death.
When I take it... all my worries seem so small. I don't need to worry about anything anymore because I'm going to the afterlife. Your body feels cold and warm, you can't feel your fingers or toes... but your brain is going a mile a minute. Man... I need to get some more. But seriously, you should try it. This plant might as well be a demigod itself. Hell, I'm sure it was created by the Goddesses specifically. Though I have been spiked before. Be careful about that. That feeling... terrifying.
-A frequent Gravewort user

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