The Cataclysm of Arbressian Physical / Metaphysical Law in Arbressian | World Anvil

The Cataclysm of Arbressian

In the year 2734 of the Age of Parting there was a disaster that affected all parts of the Prime Material plane of Arbressian as well as some parts of other planes. This disaster manifested in various ways across the continents but was far more devastating for the four continents in the corners of the world. No mortal is entirely certain why the cataclysm happened but there are theories about it being a battle of deities that once more tore the world asunder like what had happened during The Parting War. However, no gods have admitted to fighting and causing such an event. Another theory is that some mortal magic users grew to an unprecedented amount of power and attempted to change the natural order of the world to such an extent that it broke the fabric of reality. No matter how it happened, people do know about how the world was affected and have documented many of the disasters that occurred during that time.   The Prime Material began to bleed together with other planes of existence and even other universes. Time itself unravelled in places and there was absolute chaos.    Euhukoa, the continent in the east corner of the world which had been a whole landmass broke apart into islands and floated up towards a breaking point where the Prime Material was starting to blend with the plane of air. This was part of the greater Cataclysm of Arbressian but it's specifically called the Sundering of Euhukoa. The islands were saved and the tear between the planes was stabilised into a smaller portal that could facilitate the islands to float without tearing them apart thanks to Bahamut and his powerful court of dragons and celestials, along with a few lesser deities. Countless people died in the Sundering and all cities except for Mythmore were completely destroyed. The survivors continued to have a rough life afterwards, plagued by frequently occurring rifts that let strange creatures through or time anomalies that could age or de-age an entire tribe by decades in an instant.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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