wyverns Species in Arbalest | World Anvil
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Written by 3birds

Wyverns are preyed upon by Ikli birds, and their fear of these is exploited by hunters. A hunter will typically train a ikli to caw repeatedly when a wyvern is spotted. The wyvern will usually freeze, making them easier for the hunter to kill.   Wyverns have brown-red eyes, Two legs similar in form to those of birds, and wings that can also serve as legs. they also have short tails.

Basic Information


2 legs, 2 wings that also function as more legs

Ecology and Habitats

Typically lives in forests, where it will fly slightly above the trees looking for prey. however, a small subspecies lives on the coast, eating turtles and jellyfish.

Dietary Needs and Habits

it eats most small mammals on the ground, with the notable exception of most lizards.

Biological Cycle

Wyverns hibernate during very cold periods, occasionally shed skins, and

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

can shriek at a very high decibel, which it typically uses as echolocation to make up for its relatively poor eyesight. Fire breath, not very hot, but hot enough to incapitate prey .
Scientific Name
Lacerta Avis Serpentium

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