Underwing Vehicle in Aralyon | World Anvil
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Underwings are the main type of scouting vessel for militaries in and around Kruakaes. Invented by the Hylreneri, the first models were originally used as hunting vehicles for fierce sea creatures, either to harvest them for parts or to scare them off from sea towns and the citizens. The Underwings were improved upon and adapted by the Omneans once their leaders saw use for them in war. The Lumin hide was a newer addition once fights began to cycle deep into the lightless depths of the ocean.


Water filters in through the front of the Underwing to the center, where it spins around very quickly in a centrifugal chamber, and then shoots out the back in powerful jets which propel it forward through the water.

Weapons & Armament

The outer wings of the Underwing actually are fitted with blades. These can be used to ram into enemies or other vehicles to do damage, or for simple utility, cutting down swaths of seaweed and kelp when a rider needs to pass through.

Armor and defense

Each of the Underwings are fitted with a minor protective enchantment that withstands projectiles. In close combat the enchantment doesn't hold up so well, but that's where the constructed armor comes into play. The vehicles are scaled with the hide of an underwater beast called a Lumin. The hide is stiff and tough, and feels like metal to the touch.

Communication Tools & Systems

There is an enchantment on each Underwing that connects back to the base they come from which allows others to know which direction and how far each scout is.

Additional & auxiliary systems

With the help of the Lumin hide, the Underwings can emit light in battle circumstances that are in deep and dark parts of the ocean. It goes into effect on command, however, so the vehicles can still be used for stealthy purposes without having to worry about unwanted glowing.

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