The Eternal Spires and the Seat of the Adrean Empire Geographic Location in Aragondos | World Anvil
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The Eternal Spires and the Seat of the Adrean Empire

"Daddy look at the rocks!" She was giggling, jumping off of the wagon and running ahead of it "Bella!" I tried to yell out so she would hear. The child was too excited. With a sigh I looked to Joan, her eyes were tired, but she smiled and put a hand on my leg, " It's your turn dear, she listens to you much more anyway." With a sigh i stood and shimmed my way through our wagon, and hopped down. She was spinning, looking skyward, i joined her as i walked towards the edge of the Emperors bridge, and picked her up from behind, setting her on my shoulders, while her small legs dangled around my neck.   "It's so big daddy!' she said, "I bet not even a dragon could go that high!" I couldn't help but laugh, "No i doubt it," I played along. The Eternal spires, a vast series of rock formations jutting out of the earth, some of these tendrils had minerals in them, This helped to break up the quarters incidentally. Some glowed with the fiery warmth of quartz, others with the red intensity of rubies, but my favorite, truth be told, were the sapphire spires, they shown regally in the sun, casting a cool hue over all they touched. Even with the shops, the keeps and other things build into them, there truly could be no more a majestic place in Adrea.


Nestled in the very west of Adrea's borders is The Eternal Spires, home to the Empire of Adrea, and house to the throne. The Spires ascend out of the ground in vast and sometimes twisting formations, most of the spires have a large amount of minerals wrapped into their growths, because of this they are left to grow as a sign of wealth and prosperity, while some are mined for their resources.

Fauna & Flora

Not much is known about the flowers or, "Shards of Gaia" that grow on the side of the spires, these almost glass like flowers and plants, assume the form of what ever Flora grows next to them, but in the shape and hue of the mineral they are, Most have tried for years to cultivate Shards in the shape of roses or tulips, but it takes a special hand to grow such rare types.

Natural Resources

The stone and mineral harvested from The Spires serves as both trading items and powerful construction materials.
Mountain Range

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