Sisters of Orion Myth in Aquatica Homebrew | World Anvil
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Sisters of Orion

Written by Pookas Kreations

There are various legends of the "sisters of Orion." Many consider them as sirens, that attract men to satisfy their needs of companionship. What everyone agrees on is that they have long, flowing, red hair, blue skin, and green eyes.    What no one knows is their motivation, if it wasn't companionship. Some think that they are searching to expand the genetic diversity of their clan, but no one knows for sure.


  • a dream leading the character to a specific area, where 2 women are waiting
  • a "tryst" with them for one or more days
  • a hazy remembrance of the event
  • not being able to find them or the location again.

Historical Basis

A man named Nikhil Toloy was guiding his sheep through the countryside on the way to the market in Burkina. While taking a nap one day, he started daydreaming about two beautiful women in a water-filled cave. They appeared to be twin sisters, with deep-red hair, green eyes, and light blue skin. He felt that they were calling to him. The next day as he watered the sheep at a small lake, he had the feeling that he wanted to go swimming. Something seemed to entice him to dive below the water and enter a cave not far below. There he met the young women, Kada and Fasa, as they introduced themselves to him. These women entertained and seduced him throughout the rest of the day and night.   He woke on the shore in the morning with his sheep milling around him. Afterward, he remembered that day as if it was a dream. He vaguely remembers them calling him, meeting them, their great time together, and awaking with his sheep. Although he searched for them, he never saw them again. Over the years, he met others that had similar experiences, not always around water.


This mostly only happens on Avalonia, but it has also been known on various other continents as well. It is rare or extremely uncommon.

Variations & Mutation

This experience doesn't always happen around water. Sometimes they have been seen in different terrains like forests, mountains, and plains.

In Literature

Some have written romantic poems or ballads about these women.

In Art

A few artists have tried to capture their beauty on canvas, but few have succeeded in the endeavor.
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