Phoenix Species in Apteros | World Anvil
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Populous, diverse, pigeon-like creatures whose congregation could lead to explosive situations.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Phoenix do not age or die like most species. When killed, they explode in a fiery blast. Phoenix ash is scattered around its surroundings in a spore-like manner. This "ash" is a bio-active organic material which is inherently drawn to itself, clumping into a larger mass to form a complex organism. It is difficult to truly study this process as the ash is difficult to contain. When multiple Phoenix die in the same area, fewer but bigger forms will emerge from the ashes after they gather. The fully-formed creature will not take in any more ash after creating its body, nor will it eat, or grow larger. Any remaining or unused ash will be drawn to other ash clumps, no matter the distance involved, until it meets the minimum quota of mass to form a body. The process begins anew when the Phoenix is killed.

Ecology and Habitats

Smaller Phoenix tend to gather in cities, where they are viewed as pests. Large ones tend to roam or hide in remote locations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Phoenix possess no digestive system and do not eat. They use their beak only to sing and scream. Phoenix are almost always chattering to each other, but become silent at sundown.

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