The Zaimaris People Ethnicity in Aotra | World Anvil
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The Zaimaris People (zai-MAR-iss)

Dwelling near-exclusively in the Federation of Vay, the Zaimaris culture is a small and isolated ethnic group of high elves descended from the Ebissu people. The vast majority of high elves—and a solid majority of elves in general—in the Federation of Vay claim this ethnicity as their heritage. The Zaimaris elves are distinctive for having strong traditions of etiquette, politeness, and social hierarchy, notable even within the Federation's characteristically stratified society. Their intense social dynamics meld well with the Federation's Dimira majority; indeed, the culture of the Zaimaris elves is far more similar to that of the Dimira people than it is to that of any other Ebissu elves. In many ways, the Zaimaris culture is an elven equivalent of the Dimira culture, and the two together form the basis of the culture of the Federation.
Parent ethnicities
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