Subplot: Flight of the Alameda Plot in Aomia | World Anvil
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Subplot: Flight of the Alameda

The first time interstellar spaceflight is possible.

Plot points/Scenes

-The launching of the Alameda (and backstory) -General settling in and discussion of children -A couple administrative problems involving discipline and reproduction -Captain Zhao/Chen has a kid with birth defects that dies because of radiation- stronger shields are put into place -A couple other catastrophes -Jason's birth, her anger and distance from him -The reception of the satellite images showing life -Then the images show sentient life, finally humans. Discussion with earth on what to do. -with intent to disobey earth, send jason down to assimilate and learn information.


human endeavor, space conquering, colonization, not being accepted.   this is the sci-fi half of the book.



Read the other article. Basically it's the first colonizing effort, not much is known about the planet other than its composition.


-Captain not wanting to have kids -Disciplinary issues -Other kid dying -Jason just wanting acceptance. -The people want to invade but earth doesn't want them to. Is there something wrong with that?


Jason is sent down to the surface with a couple other people in a team to assimilate into the culture



To find a place for her colony to settle for Zhao. To gain acceptance of his mother, his family, and his colony for Jason.

Moral Quandaries

Can you destroy a culture? They can't go anywhere else. There IS nowhere else for them. They came to this planet with no plan b. How could they go back? They can't. But does the survival of their 2.5k justify the destruction of a culture?



Captain Zhao, Jason Zhao


Her family, sometimes.


2nd lieutenant Carter



The Alameda
Plot type
A subplot.

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