Scapre Humans Species in Aomia | World Anvil
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Scapre Humans

The original inhabitants.

Basic Information


Humans but evolved slightly differently. Since there's a lot more UV radiation, dark skin (for those who work outside). lots of freckles. smaller eyes but more delicate features. taller, thinner, because less gravity. muscular, lithe. most wear long hair.

Genetics and Reproduction

regular human sex, although courtship is different. considered normal to have many partners, monogamy is very rare. a couple children is considered "duty" for the war effort.

Growth Rate & Stages

normal human growth, although considered adult much younger. given jobs much younger.

Ecology and Habitats

earth-like climate.

Biological Cycle

no seasons, but they are heavily affected by air pressure changes.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

very good smell and hearing, average sight.

Civilization and Culture


Were brought from Earth to New Planet by unknown species. Evolved slightly differently. Have settled to form a mideval/ socialist society. Very warlike, emotional, and impulsive. Speak a couple languages, don't have much in the way of technology.   Live in monarchical societies. Farming is very popular, live in communes-ish under "nobles"
Scientific Name
Scapre Sapiens
from earth but at the new planet. can produce offspring with Homo Sapiens
Conservation Status
less abundant than homo sapiens, but prominent species on new planet.

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