Flab Giant Species in Aolara | World Anvil

Flab Giant (f-lab jai-uhnt)

Flab Giants are a rare sub-species of Giant that can be found across Aolara. They are thought to be a cousin of the more common Hill Giant, although are much smaller and wider. Extremely dangerous and easily threatened, Flab Giants have a hunger that can never be satiated; however they are the least active of all giantkind. When they aren't spending hours resting, napping and sleeping, they are listlessly shuffling about, scrounging for scraps. Because Flab Giants can eat practically anything, they don't have to roam far to find enough food to sustain their bulk, so they are rarely found far from their crude lairs. Mountaineers and explorers should take great care when in close proximity to a Flab Giant hovel.    


Flab Giants are obese, bell-shaped monsters blemished by ulcers, enlarged veins and fungal rashes. They are the shortest breed of Giant and by far the widest in relation to their size. An adult Flab Giant stands eight to ten feet tall and weighs 1,000 to 1,500 pounds. Their upper body and shoulders are thick, flabby and covered in a tufty spread of hair. They usually wear nothing but dregs of filthy clothing made of loosely knotted animal hides, leaving most of their stretch-marked and discoloured skin exposed. Their favoured pelts include bear and human. Though they stumble about on a pair of short, calloused legs, Flab Giants move their weight with dangerous potential, catching many foes off-guard.    


Whether as a result of a centuries-past curse or a gradual adaptation to an easy-going existence, the Flab Giant is gigantic in width rather than height and almost comical in its simple life. Too obese to effectively grasp weapons in its chubby fingers, a Flab Giant instead uses its great mass to deadly effect, trampling or grabbing opponents and then crushing them to death with their immense weight. They are capable of putting up with the damage dealt by other attacks until their current victim is shattered and lifeless.    


Flab Giants are usually found in mild or temperate highlands and mountainscapes, far away from settlements and communities large enough to pose a threat to its existence. They are solitary creatures and prefer to avoid both their kind and any other Giant species. Flab Giants do not usually stray too far from their lairs out of sheer laziness and concern for their safety. If seen outside of their regular territories, it could mean that they have either been forced out by a stronger creature or in a state of distress.

Flab Giant

Type - Giant   Size - Large   Alignment - Chaotic Evil   Language(s) - Giant & Dwarvish   Preferred Terrain - Mountains   Abilities - Squatting Pin
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