Nathaniel Hraban Character in Animus Extortus | World Anvil

Nathaniel Hraban

Lord Protector Nathaniel Hraban

This old crow still has some fight left in him. The Reaperman won't take me just yet.
  Nathan Hraban is the head of House Hraban, the noble house that has traditionally ruled over County Glenwich for millennia. He is also the Lord Protector of the Order of the Raven, though his old age and declining health has forced him to retire from an active leadership role.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lord Hraban's old age is catching up with him. He is gaunt and pale. His joints are stiff, there's a bone in his leg, and he is reliant on a walking stick. He recently developed a persistent dry cough, and his hands frequently shake when he holds his arms up.


Hobbies & Pets

Since childhood, Lord Hraban has had a pet raven called Huginn, who has reincarnated half a dozen times over the past 71 years to be by his side. Huginn is the twin of the Auspex's pet raven Muninn.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Count of Glenwich, Lord Protector of the Order of the Raven
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
25nd Raven's Roost
Year of Birth
927 ESP 71 Years old
Dark brown, glittering
Short, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale ivory
Aligned Organization


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