Sight | Poetry of the Anhult


My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

How would you know if your sight is off?
The flaming red jumps just like a vibrating drum.
Green reaches and glows, it falls from the tree and flows.
It's just that blue swims, certainly does not seem grim.


I tell those looking at my sister to knock it off.
We would walk away, maybe to the beach to play.
I would hide her odd, I could not see her scarred.
hidden out of sight, protected with my might.


I now see more variation than on or off.
Every encounter, it is not always a fight.
She's not blown over, by every passerby's whim.
It was my vision that needed better insight.

All My Muses

by Ranon

Excerpt taken from All My Muses

Attribution: Ranon

Age Estimate: 1 year

Text, Literary (Novel/Poetry)

Background: Ranon arrived with the rest of the Etonia Council and started a market and trade center in the old city neighborhood. She was a prolific song writer and took her inspiration from events and interactions. She wrote a book about each of her main inspirations. This excerpt is about the inspiration Ranon took from her sister, Signal. It was discovered later that Signal could see colors differently than most everyone else.


Author's Notes

This article is part of the Storytelling Collective's April Daily Poem challenge, 30 days of poetry. As with all #StoCo challenges, this is a no-pressure writing challenge intended to be fun and stimulating. If you are inspired to share use the tag #AprilDailyPoem. After you log in to World Anvil to leave your comment below, follow the Anhult Wildlands and I'll send you a notification as I complete additional poems.

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