Kolkakla Geographic Location in Anerion | World Anvil
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The Formation of Kolkakla

  Kolkakla was previously part of the "super-continent" known as Manamar that existed until about 100,000,000 PR. Once the split occurred, the continent would drift apart from Xlandia, Tillanar, and Aldersglade until it would land in its current position. About 2,000,000 years ago the continent reached the geological hotspot it sits on today. At this time, the loosely knit, surface dwelling Dwari civilization would be torn apart by gigantic mountains forming, super-volcanoes erupting on a thousand year basis, earthquakes that could tear the land in twain, and other geological nightmares. It was around this time that the features that the Dwari are known for would develop. Namely their short stature, ash tinted skin, love for the earth, and trust in one another.  

Dwari Civilization Migrates Deeper

  As the geological events continued without any foreseeable end, the few still living dwarves moved underground to survive through the years. During this time, the first Dwari King "Hendrin" was chosen to rule. Because of the small population and growing trust and unification, creating standardized language, currency, and writing was an easy task for the civilization. During this time the now Dwari capital of "Vulkan-Fargi" (Volcano Forge) would be constructed under the active volcano of "The Great Hurkine" (The Great Hearth). Their early unification and intelligent nature is what lead to the early industrial boom of Dwari civilization. This is how technology became so quickly adapted into Dwari culture as tools from the gods.  

Kolkakla Now

  At the current date, Kolkakla is a mysterious place to the Dwari of Xlandia. To the ones participating in "The Great Sleep" they are still a ruling power. Despite the lack of any real reason for the event, or the devestating effects it has had on Dwari morale and world acknowledgement. To the Dwari of Kolkakla, these Xlandian Dwari are not of their own. They do not have ash tainted skin, deepsight, and they do not rely on the caves to stay alive. Some think the great sleep was merely a way to settle tensions in Kolkakla as more and more Dwari ask for an end to the conflict that saps the Dwari treasury. Some say it is the kings way of conforming the Dwari of Xlandia to the ways of their ancestors. Some say it is to protect them from the raging Xlandian conflict. Some say... that the intent is far darker than is realized.
Inhabiting Species


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