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The United Planets -Geography-

Proud Citizen's of the United Planets, I, Frederich Miller, as the newly elected president of the Federation, promise great changes. When I say this, I say it to all thirty-three planets in our great solar system, I'll see to it that all planets join in the new era of excellence. Our enemies, The Snow Family and The Gray's, shall no longer influence any household within the Federation. My first plan as elected official is to rid our solar system of poverty, which in turn will defuse any control these factions have on the sanctity of our great nations!  
— Frederich Miller's election speech, addressing the United Planets.
  The Solar System of the United Planets acts as the central hub for the Federation, with the planets closest to the central star being wealthy and most important. The combined total of planets within this solar system is thirty-three planets, separated by two asteroid belts, the asteroid belts also indicate the planets social status. The planets within the first asteroid belt consist of twelve, and they are the wealthiest and most prestigious planets in the entire solar system. Between the first and second belts are thirteen more planets, they are the middle class, and while still cared about; aren't under the same watchful eye of the Federation. The eight planets positioned after the second belt are cared about even less by the Federation, and while they still pay for taxes enforced by the Federation, they do not receive the same maintenance the other twenty-five do, therefore the residents are plagued with heavier work loads and criminal activities.


The specific geography of each planet differs from the next, however, the ones closer to the central star tend to be warmer, with the ones beyond the second asteroid belt relying on different ways to provide their planet's warmth.
Galactic Sector
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