Coral Crown Item in An Era of Sand | World Anvil
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Coral Crown

"From the sands of this world to the waters of the old, You, ______ will hereby swear fealty to the people, to the Ancestors, and to the crown."
- Coronation rites for the Elderkroun Ceremony
  The Coral Crown is the identifying feature of the Elder, and is only wearable by a member of the Elder's family. Although normally dead, when equipped by someone of the Elder's bloodline, it manifests into a colorful and alive piece of coral. This effect has not been replicated by anyone other than a member of the Elder's Bloodline.   Religious officials state that it is a symbol of the Ancestors' presence and proof to the holiness of the Elder's word. Skeptics believe it is little more than a mix of accident and chemical trickery, but until an answer is found, it remains the ultimate symbol of religious authority to the Eftorri people.   Several attempts have been made to steal the crown, all ended in failure. According to official reports, the Elders' foresight thwarted theft of the crown. After the recent death of the late Elder and her family, the validity of an Elder's precognitive abilities have been put into question. Religious representatives claim it part of her grand vision, while skeptics grow slowly in numbers. Whatever the truth, the crown remains unequipped, and as dead as the Elder bloodline.

Manufacturing process

The Coral Crown was found fabricated in the state it is seen in now. With some slight modifications over the years to maintain in place on top of the Elder's head, the shape has remained largely unchanged.


The holy artifact, belonging to the Elder and their Infinite wisdom, bears an immense significance both culturally and spiritually to the Eftorri people.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
5 Kilograms
Base Price
Priceless, Valued at over 1,250,000 Pila.
Raw materials & Components
Pure Coral, a rare material, believed to be a byproduct of the Eftorra Homeworld.


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