The Celestial Realm Geographic Location in Amma-Saeth | World Anvil
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The Celestial Realm

The Celestial realm is a place of pure light, where not darkness can not penetrate. It was created by Aven, the Heir of Light, to be a place of truth and order. The Celestial Realm would also be where the common Heirs shelter from Ukt. While the plane itself seems to collect light, it merely basks in the glow of the Jelakhav.   The Celestial realm is connected to the Samagri by a portal in the Cloudripper Peaks. Unlike some of the other realms, the Celestial plane does not carry many of the features of the world. Drawn far away, the Celestial plane appears to be a place of binding. As such, creatures that bear both a parallel and sovereign cannot remain bound for long. The realm will eventually pull the sovereign from the parallel. The parallel then will be restructured in the Celestial forms, which are essential geometric shapes of many different varieties (binding the elemental into pure forms).   Within the Celestial plane preside Zakil, Unen, and Aven. These Heirs share a commonality: they maintain the Samagri. Zakil speaks the words of power that maintain the proper motion and balance of all things; Unen watches over truth, protecting the laws that govern all; Aven is the warden of the light that shines upon the world. However, many Heirs are known to refuge in the Celestial plane from time to time. Zakil predicted that one day, the refuge would bind itself again to the world. In that day, the Heris would be vulnerable. To protect themselves, the Heirs would raise the sovereign souls from the Gloaming Shroud to be their sentinels. Promised to be able to return to the living world, many would seek to be chosen by the Heirs of the Celestial plane.   The Clestial plane appears to be expansive, but is actually quite small. If explored in its extent, one would find that the celestial realm measures a mere one million square miles. The vast and empty space would be most a void where foundations of air were bound together. By the time that Haralon would be destroyed, the Celestial plane would have nearly 10,000 sentinels. By the time that Mashangist would be destroyed, this number would grow to 100,000. As the sentinels are chosen directly by the Heirs, this number cannot grow without their intervention.   Conflict in the Celestial Plane   As the Celestial beings (those residing in the Celestial plane) sat in conference in the Celestial plane, Zakil would hear of the tragedies of the world. For generations, turmoil and dissent, the rise and fall of kingdoms, and the exploration of magic design to consume and dissolve. Unen spoke words of the evil that awaits in the shroud where the Seat of Order cannot reach. Zamsera, one of the Heirs descendent from Zakil, also resided in the Celestial plane. She would meet with Aven to discuss the light. She would bessech Zakil to lossen his grasp on all things. In order to restructure order, the current order must break. zakil could feel the threat from Zamsera and would bring his sentinels to his door. Shutting out Zamsera, the Heir created to be his eyes, Zakil begin to feel the tides of chaos breaching his gates. As Zakil would grow more paranoid, the world, too, entered into turmoil. As Zakil was cut off from the Seat of Order, Isfa was weakened. This would bring about the eventual demise of Illiam Castell.   When Illiam Castell dies, the Seat of Order broken, Zakil's paranoia would soon escalate. Zamsera would evenetually mount an assault on the house of order. To aid her, Zamsera would bring into the Celestial plane a host, including the Barasti, the keepers of the way. Convinced by Zamsera that the order was broken, the Barasti and the sentinels within the realm would fight against Zakil. During this event, it would be Zamsera that would destroy Zakil and reclaim order. As Zamsera rewrote the laws of order, she caused Samagri to rotate such that "hidden things be revealed and foundations of chaos shattered."


The Celestial plane is a place of binding. Thus, compositional forms are broken down and reorganized into pure parts. The landscape of the Celestial plane appears formed from a perfect lattice structure, crystalline with geometric or dendritic growths. Peering at the border of any part of the buildings, one could get lost in infathomable depths. Such is the effects of binding. Within the realm, essence gathers together, with severed essence gathering into beads of light. The air is one and feels tangible, yet yields when pressed. The Heirs have created elaborate structures in their own vanity.

Localized Phenomena

Moving throughout the Celestial plane is often down by pressing oneself forward. Essential beings have no needs to concern themselves with the physical constraints of elemental interactions. Instead, they move freely. However, a mortal being with parallel and sovereign will find it difficult to navigate. Without internal propulsion or elemental geo on which to step, the presence of the parallel partitions the seamingly malleable air. Thus, they cannot find purchase. Tumbling downward, the slow descent (as if falling in water) will guide the individual to enter into the portal that binds the Celestial Plane to Samagri at the Cloudripper peaks.
Magical Realm


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