Samagri Geographic Location in Amma-Saeth | World Anvil
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Samagri is the original name of the world as spoken by the nameless one. It is the word for "this place" in the language of the Heirs. It is a large planet that is 8,500 miles in diameter. When it was created, the Samagri was a "world of ash, torn and broken." This means that the world had been a place of a previous grand cycle. While the world is ashen, every element could be found within the world. The ash that covers Samagri was left desolate by the final collection of essence that often signals the end of a grand cycle.
  Samagri was originally intended to be a battlefield between the nameless one and Iyer. Thus, the nameless one hid weapons deep within the world. These weapons are not necessary the blades and arrows of man, but devastating orbs storing ancient spells. These items have significant essence stored within them. While that power would leak out, these would bring about the initial changes to Samagri.
  Samagri has tens of thousands of orbiting masses called the Satelles. These objects linger between six and one hundred miles above sea level. These are also composed of ash, but are notably composed of elemental dark. These Satelles were stationary when the nameless one came to the world, but would be set in motion as Zamigdral breathed life into the wind. This would cause a period of destabilization, causing the Satelles to periodically crash into one another. It would finally be Zakil that would bind them to a proper motion. While collisions would still occur, it would happen due to external factors. As the Satelles are not bound to a specific orbit, their trajectory is arbitrary. They maintain their distance from Samagri due to their elemental composition, not the speed of their flight. As the elements act as a collective, it is also the case that the Satelles do not stray from their distance when passing over mountains or oceans.
  Samagri has four large landmasses and many islands, The Landmasses are named: Amma-Saeth, Laino Boin, Makr, and the Tuntema. Before the Awakening, Samagri was tidally locked. This meant that one side of Samagri was facing the Jelakhav. The continent directly under the gaze of the Jelakhav would be known as Amma-Saeth, the "Inheritence". Laino Boin and Tuntema would be unable to see the light of the Jelakhav whereas Makr would have regions exposed to the light.
  "You can force a man to kneel, but you cannot change his heart."
  The major Islands include the land of Aurdia, Zatilasana, Behekoerza, Ibiladia. Ibiladia lies near the mouth of the Undine sea. Aurdia lies off the East of the Southern shores of Isfa. Behekoerza lies between the lands of Amma-Saeth and Laino Boin.
  The center of this would be the desert of Gamjuit. This would be where the Heirs would initially awaken. While the desert was originally filled with life, the Broken Trust would have this be the first battle ground. It would eventually be made desolate by hundred of conflicts.
  Many periods divide events that transpire on Samagri. The first the period of Twilight, where the nameless one chose and prepared Samagri for battle. Next would be The Dawning, the period where the Heirs slept and the Jelakhav sent rogue essence upon the world. Then would come the "Broken Trust", where the Heirs would separate themselves and fill the world with creatures and creations. Next would be The Great Horde, where the geography of the world would be fundamentally changed. After this would be the Peace. Largely because nothing would change the landscape of the Samagri. Finally would be the Awakening, where the Samagri would begin to turn.
  When Zamigdral began to bring creatures into the world, she created first the sovereign. She then bound the sovereign to the ash. Nurturing the sovereign, Zamigdral watched as the ash reordered into the form of her creation.
  While essence was required for growth, at this time there were three sources of essence. First, the essence that resided in the creation. Second, Zamigdral. She felt the ways to raise life using words she felt within her. Finally, the Jelakhav. As the Jelakhav is an immense arcane construction, it releases essence as it becomes disordered. This essence becomes rogue essence, scattered over the world. During the Dawning, thr Jelakhav would cause rogue essence to coat the world, the Satelles, and even far reaching places not on Samagri. As the plants of Zamigdrals creation sought to expand, as they were designed to do, they found the rogue essence and created new life from it.
  As Zamigdral would cause essence to reorganize, some elemental pieces would become more concentrated. This would serendipitously cause water to form from ash and air to blow. During the first era of the Broken Trust, Zamigdral would spread life over all of Samagri. She would gather pieces together from which to build more. In the pure realms, she housed the elements she found and divided. This is how the Elemental planes would be connected with Samagri.
  Samagri would be filled with animalistic life once Osgolip awoke. While initially focusing on a cow-like beast that ate the grass, more varieties would later come. Competition with Shuna would create a wide variety of predator/prey relationships adaptations. Finally, this would culminate with the creation of the Ashun.
  The Ashun are the original mortal people that populated the world. The Ashun were raised to be protectors, the first being Shodar. Tala would expand on the Ashun, creating the Taladin. While Ashun typifies all personages, Taladin only relates to those stemming from the branch of Tala's creation. Tribes of the Ashun still exist and have even intermingled with the Taladin.
  This would start the ecosystem of Samagri. As people, animals, or plants would die, parts of their essence would be consumed and other parts would become rogue essence. This would be used to create new life or build up existing life.


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