Realm of Tranquility Geographic Location in Amma-Saeth | World Anvil
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Realm of Tranquility

The Realm of Tranquility was created by Dvali as one mirror entangled with the mortal plane. Within this realm, Zamigdral is considered the center.   As Zamigdral was significantly weakened, having created much of the plants of the Samagri and elemental planes that continually fill the world, Zamigdral remains one of the most significantly diminished Heirs. When the Taladin pursued her to seek gifts, they found her sleeping in the meadows that the mouth of a river. She was vulnerable and the Taladin were filled with compassion. They would patiently await for her to awaken.   During this time, they built a great citadel. To glorify her, they filled the citadel with growth. To the depths they fashioned great stairwells where the breath of the world could flow. Valuable things they placed at her feet, such as jewels, gold, and previous items. A bridge was constructed that spanned the lake between teh mountains. The construction was unparalleled. This would be the place that would become Mustanir.   But when Zamigdral awoke and saw the citadel and the jewels, the gold and weapon, she was saddened. The Taladin looked eagerly to her, praising her with words and asking her for gifts. Zamigdral was already were of the Taladin. She had watched Tala touch the gem of power within them. She knew Shodar and the seed of Osgolip that stirred their hunger. But Zamigdral also saw the beauty of the orchards, the fruits and plants that grew nearby. This would cause Zamigdral to think that the Taladin could be saved. Zamigdral would make a simple request, "Leave this work. A hunger for power will destroy the world I have created (for Zamigdral was the first to awaken). Come with me and give sanctuary to those that seek it." To Zamigdral's amazement, she would lead each of the Taladin of the Golemstride into the Dendendekaden forest. Here, she would give her gifts. Then, the Taladin would become the elves.   When twisted things crept into the Dendendekaden forest, the elves fought against it. The creeping blight lapped at the woods and filled it with anger. The elves would carry Zamigdral from the Dendendekaden to the Nightwood across the Aurupladi while others would remain to fight against the blight. As Zamigdral fled from the forest, the assault of the blight would follow her. While many parts of the Dendendekaden remain corrupted and spread, the elves continue their battle.   Upon reaching the Nightwood, the elves would conference with Zamigdral, they would plead with her to hide herself. They vowed that they would continue to tend to her gardens and her orchards. Finally, Zamigdral consented. The elves found a portal into the Realm of Tranquility. There, Zamigdral and a few of the elves, would reside.


The Realm of Tranquility is a reflection of the mortal plane. While the portal to this realm remains open, only a small fraction of the world is filled with plants. The mirror differs from the mortal plane in that the Realm of Tranquility bears no light. There is no sign of the Jelakhav (or Gerit). For the mortal traveling through the realm of tranquility, they will feel much more sedated sensations. Each step will feel lighter, the air will feel vague, fire not as hot, and water drifts aimlessly. This is a mirror of the world before Zamigdral created opened the elemental planes. And while elemental continue to enter into this realm, it is not yet filled.


Within the Realm of Tranquility, essence continues to flow as though it was the mortal realm. It is called the Realm of Tranquility because it is not yet filled. But, beings of parallel and sovereign will find that they grow hungry quicker and there is a constant pull at their forms. This is because the realm of tranquility is a place of silence. There is a great darkness there such that things to be unbound. Thus, life is fragile within this place. But, as a creature dies, its essence is dispersed between over the land. This provides a way for others to grow. To prevent her elves from suffering such a fate, they were gifted the "Heartseed". The Heartseed manifests within the gem of power within the elves. When an elf is near death, they will dig their own grave and bury themselves. The essence they contain will saturate the ground around them. Unlike the deaths of the Taladin who are drawn to the Gloaming Shroud, elves are bound to their graves life the roots of a tree. As years pass, the elf restructures their body. Finally, they rise from ground renewed. A period of distortion overwhelms them (see Elves for more details).
Magical Realm


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