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A shattered world, held together by the will of a god; seas of skies, endless adventure, abandoned relics and civilizations.   Amma is both the name of the world and the Goddess at its core; she is the creator of this broken world, its savior, and its everpresent nurturer. Forever bound to the world's center, she bears the burden willingly, to give the mortal life on its surface a chance to thrive.   The Five Peoples are, to varying degrees, aware of the existence of their goddess, and of other gods. But even sustained by the goddess, or by other divine forces, their world is dangerous and harsh; only in recent years has civilization advanced to the point where it truly spreads from one island of rock to another.   To this end, adventurers come together... on their own impetus, or sponsored by some government or company... and venture out into the wider world. Some provide protection to existing settlements, exterminating nests of malevolent entities, beating off bandits, fending off rival nations... while others seek to pierce the veil of the unknown.

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