Traditional Uhl-Kante Birthday Celebrations Tradition / Ritual in Amerielle | World Anvil
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Traditional Uhl-Kante Birthday Celebrations

"This world is a harsh one and one where every new year is a thing to be celebrated. One does not know their own time and one cannot say no to death. So celebrate and throw out the cork when you do." - Unknown
  To say that the Uhl-Kante celebrate life is an understatement. They live in one of the most difficult lands in Amerielle and they revel in their ability in that. Pride in survival is the core of who they are. This means the traditional Uhl-Kante birthday celebrations are extensions of their survival. They see the birthday celebration as a way of honoring a hardened Uhl-Kante who deserves a party. While the event varies from region to region or more commonly from city to rural area each is rooted in the same traditions. The parties are extravagant often day long parties where everyone, young or old, participates. The honored is given a crown and celebrated by all. The individual gifts and experience vary based on the age and gender of the celebrant.  

Young Children

The birthdays of childhood are about being gifted things. The elders in ones family craft gifts, usually those of wood to the children. They are taught that these things are treasures and often become the totems the child carries with them for their entire life. The celebration itself involves food and quite a bit dancing. It usually ends with the elder of the tribe telling the history of the tribe entrusting that information to those around him but especially the celebrant.  

At Marriageable Age

The celebration shifts once one reaches a marriageable age. At that point they are ready to enter into full adulthood which also means that they're given seats on the council, enlisted in battle, and ready to start their own family. Because the Uhl-Kante includes all races this varies from race to race on when it occurs.   For the women who reach this age, this is when they go through an initiation phase where they shave their hair and are gifted a ceremonial bow. This bow is usually crafted from wood that their father collected and then crafted and carved by their mother. This weapon will be hers for hunting and for battle. The last daughter in a family often receives the most beautiful as the mother has perfected her art form.   Similarly, the boys receive their first tattoos along their arms and are given their first sword. The sword that is given differs based on where they are in the birth order. The eldest receives the father's sword and the remaining sons are gifted additionally acquired weapons. If there are no sons born to a family and the eldest daughter reaches the age of marriage, the family can invoke an ancient right where the eldest daughter is given both the sword and the bow of her parents.   If the child's parents are not married or is an orphan they are given the bow or sword of another family in the area who has no living offspring or who never sought marriage.  

Adult Celebrations

The celebrations for men tend to focus on a hunting trip or adventure. This can be for animals or to find a weapon suitable for a second born son. They have often been known to go see if they can capture new horses for their corrals. Naturally, with the Uhl-Kante the drinking is excessive and often a full day is wasted to no success.   For the women it is perhaps the most important celebration there is. Most enter into a time where they're caring for their children so their friends in the tribe organize a week long hunting expedition or resource gathering capade. The men load up a camel with fine wine and send a band of women off into the wilderness. It is not uncommon for them to last two weeks and nothing actually return of value.  

Elder Celebrations

Elders are given special reverence in the Planes and each birthday is treated as a celebration. In tribal situations or even in small towns the common tradition is to have the children learn a song of the elders accomplishments, the battles they've fought, the horses they've tamed, the children they had, and the ways in which they've grown the community. The celebration is an acknowledgement of how important the elders have been to the building of the Uhl-Kante. Also, too much wine is consumed.
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