Akitanian Ethnicity in Alvez | World Anvil
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Major language groups and dialects

The language commonly associated with Akitanian culture is Occitan, Compared to other, largely homogeneous languages, Occitan is instead an umbrella term for a variety of dialects and sub-languages. Some are heavily influenced by Gallian and Brezhoneg in the North, and large parts of the language in the South are thought to be drawn from Old Imperial, although this is difficult to prove definitively.   Gallian is commonly spoken in the cities of Akitania and amongst the upper classes, while Brezhoneg and Norman have smaller presences, largely in the ports and trade centers of the North.

Culture and cultural heritage

Akitania has long balanced the needs of its Bediz and Fae populations, fostering a society of religious and social tolerance and acceptance. Korrigan and Sidhe can own property and the latter can hold noble title. Society has largely integrated at most levels.   Akitania is renowned for its production of wine and distilled spirits, especially brandies, cordials and cognacs, and these latter are considered among the best in Alvez by both Bediz and Fae. Port De La Lune is the largest port for the shipment of wines in the worlds, and supports a massive amount of vineyards to support this. The quality of Akitanian spirits is so renowned that the Marie-Morgane will sometimes attack Akitanian ships solely to obtain some of these shipments.

Common Etiquette rules

Dinner in Akitania is served quite late, after compline past sunset.

Art & Architecture

Akitania has a long history of fostering the arts, being the centre of the Trouvere movement, creating and performing lyric poetry throughout Alvez. Wandering musicians and poets are common, and can be seen throughout Akitania enjoying varied success. In-house musicians and poets are are considered essential to a proper presentation of nobility and affluence, and the Akitanian elite often keep several on retainer to perform at their homes or travel with them as an entourage. Akitanian bards are often considered diplomats, in a limited capacity, and are used to deliver messages. They are also used to spread propaganda on behalf of their patrons in the courts and squares of Akitania, where they enjoy limited protections from reprisals, except from other bards. Arkanists, especially Amainsecht specialists, often become bards in Akitanian culture. This special treatment and cultural support has drawn interest from and inspired similar movements from Emain Ablach to the Golden Sea. Music and literature is paramount in Akitanian culture above other forms of art.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Akitanians in the West have a unique tradition of planting wheat sprouts in late Summerrule, which germinate in time for harvest right before Nedeleg, where they are used as a table centerpiece before they are burnt with the Kef Nedeleg.


Gender Ideals

Unlike Gallian and Brezhoneg, Occitan language allows for more gender-neutral language, and this has reflected in the culture. Noble title, up to and including the Grand-Duc themselves is typically passed on to the eldest child, regardless of gender or sex. Male and female persons both serve in martial professions as knights, foot-Soldiers (Generic) and city watch without comment or surprise.

Courtship Ideals

As an early and stalwart patron of the Trouvere movement, Akitania is central to the development and spread of the notion of Courtly Love, placing an emphasis of nobility and chivalry, while exploring themes of the struggle between lust and spiritual love, often outside or beyond the confines of political marriage. The concept of Courtly Love remains popular in the courts of Akitanian nobility and the Grand-Duc, although pushback from Church officials and Gallian society has reduced it from the height of its popularity.

Relationship Ideals

Akitanians of all genders have a reputation, especially compared to their northern neighbors of being open and passionate, to the point where an "Akitanian lover" has become a popular trope for a seductive individual in many lurid plays and books.

Major organizations

Akitanian is a large ethnic group, mostly defined by the use of dialects of the Occitan, and is associated with the Grand-Duchy of Akitainia, the County of Tolosa and the Kingdom of Navarre.


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