Transforming Into a Level 1 Vampire in Althaneas | World Anvil

Transforming Into a Level 1 Vampire

Grim Hollow Campaign Guide; Player Tools & Grim Hollow Player's Guide

Becoming a Vampire

  Vampires are spawned into the world when a mortal contracts the Sanguine Curse, dies, and is reborn undead. There are a variety of ways to contract the curse. A Vampire may have offered their blood to a loyal servant, powerful ally, or loved one they wished to elevate. More commonly, a Vampire may have bitten you, and you survived the Vampire’s attack long enough to contract the Sanguine Curse before perishing and being reborn. Other methods include ancient and dark magic, as well as powerful but cursed magical artifacts. Regardless of how you have become a Vampire, you should discuss with your GM what type of Vampire you would like to become, and how it can be implemented in the campaign.

Transformation Features

A Vampire has the following transformation features:
Ability Scores: Dexterity 13
Roleplay Milestones: You must have contracted the Sanguine Curse, whether by being bitten by a Vampire, offered their blood, completing the Sanguine Ritual, or by another plausible method. Discuss with your GM how you can achieve this in-game.
Some of your abilities require your target to make a saving throw to resist their effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: Transformation Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity or Charisma modifier

Transformation Level 1

Starting at 1st level, you gain the following Transformation Boons and this level’s Transformation Flaw.

Transformation Boon: Blood Fury

You have become possessed by the thirst that grips all Vampires. In combat, this thirst drives you into an insatiable frenzy of bloodshed. Whenever you deal combat damage with an unarmed strike or a melee/ranged weapon to a target that can bleed, and is not undead or a construct, you gain one Fury Point. You may only have a maximum of 4 Fury Points at any time.
Upon completing a short or long rest, the number of Fury Points you have is reset to 0. These points are used by certain abilities that you can learn through your transformation levels.

Blood Fury Abilities

You can spend Fury Points (FP) to use the following abilities. The entries below detail their names, Fury Points cost in parentheses, and features:

Fanged Bite (1FP). On your turn, immediately after you take the attack action, you can use your bonus action to make a special unarmed bite attack. You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of strength to hit with this attack. This attack deals piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. The target must then succeed at a Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 necrotic damage. You regain hit point equal to the necrotic damage dealt this way. This attack generates 1 Fury Point as normal. If this attack reduces a humanoid creature of size Medium or smaller to 0 hit points, you gain 3 Fury Points instead.

Calculated Strike (1FP)When you hit with a melee weapon attack, you may use this ability before damage is dealt. If you do so, you may add 1d6 of the same damage as your weapon to the damage result. If this ability is used, no Fury Points are generated for this attack.

Vampiric Mist (2FP). As a bonus action, you can disappear in a puff of shadowy mist and teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Unearthly Reflexes (1FP). After you have rolled a Dexterity saving throw, but before the GM has determined the result, you can use your reaction and take half damage on a failed save, and no damage on a successful one.

Deathly Horror (3FP). As a bonus action, you can emit a ghastly distortion of your true form. A creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to this ability for 24 hours.

Transformation Boon: Undead Form

Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1. An ability score cannot be increased beyond 16 this way. In addition, your creature type changes to undead. Spells and abilities that state effects or conditions specifically regarding Undead of a specific CR have no effect on you. If a spell or ability other than your own would cause you to gain Hit Points, you gain that many temporary Hit Points instead. If you are reduced to 0 hit points and fall unconscious as a result, any healing you receive will stabilize you and leave you on 1 hit point and unconscious. Furthermore, you cannot die from old age and you do not require air, food or drink.

Transformation Flaw : The Sanguine Curse

The sanguine curse has taken a hold on you. As a result you gain the following features:
  • You cannot enter a residence you do not own without an invitation from one of the occupants. If you enter a residence
  • involuntarily such as by being dragged into one, you take 1d10 psychic damage at the start of your turn while you are inside it.
  • You gain Darkvision (60 ft.) if you do not already have it.
  • While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
  • You must feed every 7 days.

A lone figure clad in burnished steel greets the roaring infantry as they charge through the breach in the castle’s walls. In a flash of black mist, the figure appears in front of the soldiers, striking them down with inhuman speed.

Candlelight flickers as a hooded adviser leans over an ornate throne, whispering machinations into her lord’s ensnared mind.  The chamber erupts in commotion as the lord announces further powers be granted to the resident merchant’s guild.

Vampires are creatures of cursed blood and tragic existence. Exquisite food, a warm summer’s breeze, and growing old with loved ones are all luxuries a Vampire will never experience. Unable to enjoy many of the fineries of life as they once knew it, Vampires often become bitter creatures, filled with hate for everything they once loved

Level Milestones

The following are examples of possible level milestones for the Vampire:
  • Establish a coven of vampire spawn.
  • Drink the blood of a legendary monster.
  • Learn the great secrets of vampirism from a Vampire Lord.
  • Learn to embrace your Hideous Form and lose the ability to conceal it.
  • Discover the lost crypts of an ancient vampire and consume its essence.


Transcended beyond mortal needs, vampires do not need to eat. However, the gripping nature of their curse requires them to feed on the fresh blood of humanoids. A task they undertake with delight.  

On your turn, as an action, you can make an unarmed bite attack against an unconcious, restrained or charmed humanoid. If you do so, the target is drained for 1 pint of blood and bears a bite mark on the location you bit them. This attack does not wake sleeping creatures or end the effect of spells and abilities. A creature bitten this way gains a level of exhaustion, which can only be removed with the use of a greater restoration spell. 
 A vampire that does not feed within the required time goes into an unconscious feeding frenzy, under the GM’s control. The next time they sleep or enter a trance they attack all nearby living creatures and attempt to feed on them. A vampire remains in this state until they have drained a creature completely (killing them), at which point the vampire falls unconscious for 4 hours.

Articles under Transforming Into a Level 1 Vampire