The Law of Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Alterra (Fantasy) | World Anvil
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The Law of Magic

Magic is a fundamental part of society in Faterra and Aslandail. Users have shaped the course of history with their knowledge in this art. Yet only recently have these realms learned what fuels this power. It is known as Aecho, an energy created by all living things. Studies have shown that plants and animals have residual signs of Aecho but most have no way to utilize this ability as the sapient species do. Aecho is split between two forms: Aechonite and Aechomite.


Aechonite is the Aecho that lies within a body. it is the main energy produced by the body. There is no specific organ within any sapient species that houses Aechonite so mages have assumed it is housed and drawn from all over a living creature. Magic draws off Aechonite the most as it is the closest and most abundant form of energy used for magic.

There have been theories that a person could theoretically lose all connection to Aechonite. Kentori mages based in Corvail have used many criminals as test subjects for this theory. In all cases, the subject is always deceased. Another noticeable aspect is that even if the subject is dead, their body still holds Aechonite within them. This revealed that Necromancy feeds off the Aechonite of the deceased, not the mage as previously thought.


The other aspect is Aechomite, a crystalline and consumable version of Aecho. Its discovery would cause a boom in technology as Faterrans learned how to harness this energy to power Aecho cores and eventually airships as well. The consumption of Aechomite is a double edged sword, however. On one hand, it progressed alchemy to a stage where potions can speed up the recovery of cells, stamina, and Aecho. It progressed medicine to where injuries once thought mortal or unhealable can be with a bit of magic and the right potion.

The dark side to that light is the addictive nature of Aechomite. When consumed at first, it gives a jolt of energy that can result in increased adrenaline. After continued exposure to the substance, the person consuming it will believe they need more. This condition was dubbed "Aecho addiction" in 1152 during a study on a victim. Discovery of the addiction kickstarted a whole new host of problems. Mages heavily regulate the sale of Aechomite as a result and even airships must have thorough vetting of their supplies.


When Aechonite is spent, there is a visible strain on the caster's body as they focus. When their body attempts to replenish it, there is an increase in the body's demand for energy. This is expressed through an increased appetite as the person uses the nutrition from their food as energy to replace the Aecho. This doesn't extend only to their nutrition, however. Increased metabolism is common across all types of mages because of the increased demand on the body for energy.


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