Weres Species in Alternate Earth | World Anvil
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Weres can transform into any animal, but they can only transform into one specific animal. Werewolves are the most common type of were, but foxes, tigers, panthers, and lizards are also relatively common. Though other types are more rare weres can exist of any animal.  


Abilities include enhanced strength and healing required for the transformation into their animal form. Transformations are painful, and unavoidable on the full moon. On that night the were transforms fully into their animal form, and does not change back until morning. New weres have trouble controlling themselves during this time, and will often resort to pure animal instincts. Transformations at other times are voluntary. Shifting practice is essential for weres from puberty onwards to ensure they keep as much control as possible during the full moon. Partial shifts are possible for experienced weres.  


Weres can either be born from one or both parents being a were, or they can be changed by a bite. A transformed were’s bite is potentially lethal by passing on a radioactive mutation, and also has the power to change that person into a were themselves if they survive. There are very few reports of being bitten by a were that do not result in death or becoming one yourself.  


Silver is an irritant to weres of all types. Coming into contact with it makes them break out and can cause swelling. If ingested it causes nausea and other GI issues. Wolfsbane is lethal to weres, but generally only when the oil is extracted and concentrated. The plant on its own acts much like poison ivy, and though some weres will go into anaphylactic shock from contact, most will only get a rash. The oil of the plant has been used for centuries in potions and weapons to kill or wound werewolves.  


Weres have been around as long as humans, and evidence for their existence dates back to the days of early history. Most weres live in their own groups away from humans or among them but minding their own business. The more humans expand on the planet and occupy the wilderness the less land were packs have to call their own, and the more they have been forced into life in cities and suburbs.
80 Years
Application Question
What animal species is your were?

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