Horsing Spell in Altearth | World Anvil
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Horsing is the ability of one to host the consciousness of a spiritual entity. While these entities can be any spiritual being, they tend to be sapient. In fact, most horsing occurs with Gods, demi-gods, saints/deva, or guides. The person being possessed is "ridden" like a horse, which is where the name comes from. This specific etymology comes through Voodoo/Houdon/Santeria belief systems of the Southern US and Haiti.  


  • The most common form of horsing is ecstatic possession. This occurs when a devout follower is possessed during a ritual or spiritual experience. In this case, the possession is only technically consensual, as the "horse" tends to believe it metaphorical.

  • Horsing can also include altered-state divination. The most well-known example of this is the Oracle of Delphi, who breathed in gases from a volcanic vent to predict future events. The altered state allows the possession, which may be consensual or not.

  • Fully conscious and consensual horsing is done by energy workers/magic users who have developed Spirit Perception to the point of active communication. Most often, the "horse" has established a list of rules for the spiritual being, and the "horse" has developed the skills to enforce those rules. A known and experienced "horse" is usually highly respected by spirits, as they have the abilities necessary for effective communication via horsing, as well as healthy boundaries.

Common Rules

When an experienced energy worker chooses to participate in horsing, they often establish rules, and those rules tend to be the same across the board.
  1. Wait your turn - Spirits need to queue up. Fighting over a "horse" is bad manners and often makes the "horse" unable to effectively host any spirit.

  2. Wait for the open sign - Hosts and other spirit communicators frequently enforce the idea that they cannot simply be approached at any time. This allows the energy worker to maintain a life without interference from the spirit world until they are ready and able to engage fully.

  3. Ask first - This applies to not only horsing, but also any activity the spirit might engage in while horsing. Experienced magic users are often able to throw off a spirit, even a god, so this rule can and is firmly enforced.

Side/Secondary Effects

When a "horse" is developing their skills as a consious host, they often face spirits speaking to them at inopportune times. Ideally, the "horse" can distinguish spiritual entities, though some have a mental breakdown, believing they are experiencing auditory hallucinations. Unfortunately, there is no way for an outside party to distinguish between spiritual communication and hallucination.   When a "horse" is being "ridden," they are sometimes overcome by cravings for things that the spirit enjoys. Some of the usual spirits with cravings include Baron Samedi (a Santeria Orisha), who enjoys rum and cigars; or Bacchus, who craves wild dancing, sex, and, rarely, blood and violence. Obviously, this could be problematic.
Gestures & Ritual

Some "horses" have full cleansing rituals and rites of accepting possession. Many modern "horses" are extremely casual with their spiritual interactions. Most fall somewhere in between.

NOTE: Cleansing does seem to mitigate the energetic drain on the horse. Those who have more practice with energy work may not need that buffer. Cleansing rituals are highly recommended to beginners because of this.

Applied Restriction
There does seem to be some moral/ethical restrictions to horsing. Many horses cannot or will not host entities who are in opposition to their own moral or ethical stance.

For some horses, this is a strict code that drastically limits their possible possessors. For others, the standards can be virtually non-existent, effectively leaving no entity out of the loop for possessing them.

Horsing is exhausting. Often, the main restriction is having the time and energy for the experience.

This exhaustion can be mental, physical, or emotional. It very often is accompanied by what seems to be a drop in blood sugar. Food and drink are often required by the horse after a session. In addition, some horses may engage in other energy-building or cleansing activities, such as meditation, smoking, substance use, and even sex.

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