Challibrut Species in Altear | World Anvil
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Árpád Kerekes writes in his novel, The Mother of the Forest.   [...] I now know how the Thundering Forests received its name! I heard several pounding footsteps that made my heart skip with them, and looking northward to see a baker's dozen of the most terrifying creatures I've ever seen, rushing for me!   I raced back to camp and told my comrades about the terrifying encounter, but they laughed me off. They saw the creatures themselves only days later and apologized. I've dubbed the creatures Cannibrutal, as they fought against each other ruthlessly as they approached. I didn't stay around to see why, but I do wonder if the creatures were planning to devour each other! [...]

Basic Information


The Canibrut is a common Halloween costume, for the few who celebrate the holiday. Its body is primarily black, with orange highlights. Its eyes, in particular, are a piercing, bright orange, and resemble tiger eyes, with no pupils or whites. The creature has no visible nose, yet can detect blood from several miles away. Its wings are usually hidden, and it's difficult to spot them until it's too late. The Canibrut will often use its wings to strike opponents, seeing as there are eight of the powerful things. Its body is covered in luxurious fur, and its stumpy, clumsy legs can give off the impression of weakness, but don't be fooled! Its legs are really extremely powerful, but the creature uses a particular type of magic called the mezr to conceal its true stature and power until it's too late. Canibrut have no outer ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual reproduction. Live young. Eleven month gestation period.

Growth Rate & Stages

They mature at thirteen and have been known to live to their eighties or nineties.

Ecology and Habitats

Jungles, rainforests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily meat. They do not bury or store food, and they often eat it right after catching it.

Biological Cycle

They do not hibernate, and they shed during the summer and grow more fur during the winter.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Can see through anything organic and possess innate mezr. Can detect blood from miles away.
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
They are not under protection.

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