High Elf Species in Aloth | World Anvil

High Elf

Basic Information


High elves look very much like humans and stands about the same height. The main difference is that elves are lighter and slimmer. Even the strongest and fittest elves often looks slim compared to other races as they look more atlhetic rather than muscular. Their skine tonnes are also very pale in comparison to the much more diverse humans. They are often pale and fair skinned with some more golden and copper hues. Some were tanner and had a more dark hue, but are rarer than a darker skinned human.

Genetics and Reproduction

The elven gene is a very powerful gene which trumphs almost all other races. When another race breeds with an high elf their child will inherit more of their genes and abilities than the other parent race. It is also known that the closer a half elf is to their elven ancestor in generations the longer they will live. It is so strong in fact that two half elves with equal or close to equal elven purity will birth half elves with the same purity. In some rare cases half elves can even birth purer half elves with longer life capacity and more of their elven abilities, but they can never breed a pure elf.   Elves also has a much longer gestation period than humans. Their gestation period often last for about 14 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

It is very well known that elves are not considered mature before they reach the age of 100. This is true when it comes to what elves view as maturity, but elves reach the same physical maturity as an 18 year old human at the age of 25-30. They will be considered fully grown at that age in elven societies but not mature. Their maturity is first fully accepted and registered after they have lived for a hundred years because it is first then they have gone fully through their primal memories. The primal memories are memories of their past lives as elven souls are reincarnated whenever a new child is born. Elves start experiencing these visions and memories in their second or third decade. This event is known as the first reflection, where an elf will experience a memory from a past life. These primal memories continue until around the age of one hundred where they will stop and they will eventually experience the drawing of the veil where this no longer happens.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Elves often hav slim and elegant faces. They have few imperfections and can not have beards.

Average Intelligence

High elves are known to be the most intelligent of any elf. They have a higher capacity for intelligence than other elves and most other humanoids, this combined with their long lifespans and access to their elven trance gives them some of the highest potential for intelligence and knowledge.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

High elves have great vision, much superior to that of humans. They also possess darkvision.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

Most elves seek an elven partner, must it is not unknown or even that rare for some elves to be together with other humanoid races. The most common race for them to breed with outside other elvish races are humans. This is also the reason why there are so many half elves in the world.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Elvish is fluid, with subtle intonations and intricate grammar. Elven literature is rich and varied, and their songs and poems are famous among other races. Many bards learn their language so they can add Elvish ballads to their repertoires. Their written language is also incredibly important for many historians, arcanists and wizards. Making it one of the most taught language in any other societies.

Historical Figures

Potentially the most famous and well known high elf is Rylaxian the Great. He was the ruler of the The Andúrin Dominion for almost the entire third age and rules it during its golden age until the beginning of the new calamity where he was slain by Axindal after defeating Graz'zt in fair combat.
750 years
Average Height
Between 158 cm to 190 cm
Average Weight
Between 59 kg to 82kg
Average Physique
High elves are as agile and dexterious as their elven bretherin, they have a nack for agility unlike most other humanoid races and often far better than an average human.


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